You Call That a Sales Pitch?


Since many of you have voiced your desire to gain the tabbed position on IBC, I thought it would be best to enlighten you with some knowledge.

Let me begin with a basic premise that will serve you not only in the blogging endeavor, but in regards to life. If you lack personality you will fail to hold anyone’s attention. If you lack the ingenuity or creativity that is required to hold a conversation, perhaps you should focus on some basic social skills prior to blogging. You desire to write for IBC, but fail to think outside the box. The box being the normal and accepted principles of blogging, contrasted to outside that box, the ways in which IBC brings its viewers the world of the markets.  As an aspiring blogger I have analyzed The Fly’s rise to fame, he did so by taking the norms and shitting on them — making IBC what it its today.

Do you really think utilizing the jokes and stock picks of The Fly will serve you to have any legitimate readership? The fools who constantly regurgitate crap serve no one any purpose and only will bore readers in the first week. The same can be said about their stock picks. What good does voicing the same plays as The Fly or Chess serve readers. What the reader needs, what they want — fuck it — what they must have are fresh ideas. The readers want someone who will do the hard work for them and point them in the appropriate direction.

Have you ever thought what you as a potential blogger would really bring to the table? I am not merely suggesting market analysis, extraordinary picks, or eloquent writing. I am speaking in terms of expanding the ways in which IBC brings you the market news. The hallowed halls of IBC have been on the frontier of stock picking since its inauguration. The Fly wishes to bring new blood into his realm, not to just have new and fresh analysis, but to improve on the way in which IBC presents the world of the markets. So what do you bloggers  really have up your sleeve that will help grow IBCs readership? What ways will you capture an audience and make them return time and time again?

From what I have read thus far, absolutely nothing. (excluding Rhino)

I have countless ideas mulling around in my head, all in which will give IBC fresh and new life.

The majority of the bn bloggers lack the ingenuity to write a gut wrenching, well informed, and inspiring post. The majority of you will fail to contribute to the growth and overall awesomeness of IBC. Just read through the posts as of late and you will see I speak nothing but the truth. These bloggers need me to point out their failures and ineptitude, as I have done above. Do you really want them on the IBC homepage over the next 3 months?

So come to realize what I am offering you and take full advantage of it: What I Am Offering You

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