What I Am Offering You


You are obviously dying to know what I am offering you.

Earlier today I gave you a little taste, a little hit(The Only Way to Play Facebook). I know you are dying for more. You may jut get it.

In the course of the next four days you will see all types and kinds of bloggers come out of the woodwork — like roaches climbing out of the hull of a rotting schooner. I’ve been in the game a while, just take a look at my site (Capital Overlook). Anyone worth their weight knows that doesn’t count for anything. I’ve been right more than wrong, again look at my previous posts. Now that actually counts for something.

We all come to IBC for one reason: a different take on the financial markets. Any fool can write for Businessweek, CNBC, or Seeking Alpha. They write there for page views and airtime on television networks that fewer and fewer are watching. What does it take to be part of IBC? The ability to entertain. The prowess to be correct. The drive to think outside the box. Those are not skills you can pick up overnight, those are not mentalities that can be faked (though many over the next four days will put up a impressive facade), they are attributes gained through living the life of a Young Gun. You can go anywhere for finance news but there are few writers worth bookmarking and repeatedly coming back to — that is my ambition.

The markets are not just about GDP or smart phone sales, they are about the thousands of small news and data pieces coming together. Traders, investors, and bloggers alike often get caught up in the minute details, missing the forest for the trees. What I do is take economic trends, consumer trends, and combine that with detailed research to destroy those that are too busy counting their page views to do any legitimate research. I don’t always point out specific trades, but give my audience food for thought.

Perhaps before the week is out I will give you more insight into myself, though currently the above should satisfy your appetite.

A very fitting song:

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