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47% of this country doesn’t want to work and a two state solution for Israel and Palastine won’t work. Those are the facts…

But the press is so in the bag for the democratic party that if you discuss any change in the status quo you’re labeled a bigot or un-caring. Sad that so many are suckered in by this shit…

I also want to make a point about the market. I ask you why you think the market is trading so “cocaine high” if Obama is so “bad” for the Wall Street “fat cats”???

The answer is simple. If you are an investor and you have a choice of two investments…Everything is equal other than cash on their balance sheets…Under Obama many companies are staying lean…not hiring, low R&D cost, bunkering down, moving money to less taxed regions of the world and even paying better yields to un-load their bloated accounts…The other company is under a pro-growth governance…Tax incentives for hiring, pumping money into R&D, entering new markets, (all good things for the un-employed ) but adds risk to the “investment community”…Because with risk there will be risk…More money will always be attracted to the better balance sheet if everything else is equal. Factor in the “Too Big To Fail” concept and a despot/Prezident picking the “winners for us” it’s not a choice at all…Hence the 500 largest companies (The fattest of Fat Cats) will do well…For the little guy you close shop and either work for the big guys or get on the bread line…Don’t worry…Eventually we will move further LEFT and drown all the Fat Cats because they are really to blame according to our supreme leader…Anyway happy investing…

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Beware of the V.King, cinder-blocks and murder-holes…

After booking some profits (50K) in the last 2 weeks and an un-realized gain (124k) in PWAV the V.King is looking over his Empire (portfolio)

Some of my biggest positions are:

ARR, ARCP, GNT, all for their JUICY yields…

Besides the Wave i’m still long LMLP, OMER, AAPL calls  and a little IOC and CHK …those two I trade

And of course GLD because the fed is just destroying the value of the dollar…

My advice is to be careful…A cinder-block might land on your head at any moment…

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Didn’t 0Bama Heal the Earth and Lower the Sea? What else can he do?

Chanting “death to America” and “death to Israel,” hundreds of protesters angered by an anti-Islam film stormed the U.S. Embassy compound in Yemen’s capital and burned the American flag on Thursday, the latest in a series of attacks on American diplomatic missions in the Middle East.

The string of assaults this week, in Yemen, Egypt and the storming of a U.S. consulate in Libya that killed four Americans, point to an increased boldness among Islamists who have become more powerful since last year’s wave of revolts toppled authoritarian leaders.

I guess saying sorry won’t help…I’ve conducted my own pole (in my pants) and I fucked the market yesterday real good…My next stock to double will be LMLP…They will be bought out by the end of the year for at least 100mm or $3.35 a share…

I also added to my GLD trade…in preparation of the Fed printing more cash…

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Hillary Cliton [sic] has bigger balls than 0Bama…And go PWAV

Burning American Flags, storming embassy’s and killing ambassadors…Where’s 0Bama? Oh dissing Israel and going on Letterman…fuck his ass…What a worthless piece of shit!!

OK … Check out PWAV …100,000,000 line of credit fuck yeah!

I am going to start throwing cinder-blocks from my highest tower…Both as exercise and for sport in celebration of BUYing 135,000 shares at .36 cents

To be big you have to be big.

V.King 12-12-12

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F.U. John Mayer

John Mayer has just been dragged into a lawsuit over a $100 million Ponzi scheme — and according to the docs, the singer might be in possession of as much as $465,000 in dirty money.

Here’s some background — a massive Ponzi scheme in Seattle came crumbling down earlier this year when its mastermind, a crook named Darren Berg, was sentenced to 18 years in prison for bilking investors out of more than $100 million through his investment company.

Now, the trustees charged with recovering the lost money are trying to track down where those millions went — and are suing everyone they can along the way in order to recover it.

According to new legal docs, one of the people who received dirty funds from Berg’s Ponzi scheme is John Mayer — when a booking agency was allegedly paid by Berg’s company.

It’s unclear why … or what the connection is between the booking agency and Berg’s investment company … but the musician is now a target in the desperate money grab.

According to the docs, the booking agency Grabow & Associates — and Mayer by extension — are in possession of as much as $465,000 from Berg’s Ponzi scheme.

Mayer’s lawyer “John Mayer performed at a corporate event in 2008 and was paid for his services.  The opportunity was brought to John through his talent agency, CAA.”

A judge has yet to rule on the case.

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A thought for 0Bama’s drones…

The V.King finds it unfortunate fate that 8 million American workers who are not unemployed can’t find a full-time job because of 0Bama . Do you know that a growing percentage of Americans are falling off the margins when it comes to jobs, as the economic malaise continues to grip the country. Friday’s jobs report for August showed further deterioration in the employment picture. Even the fact that the unemployment rate fell two-tenths of a point to 8.1 percent is worrisome, due to the fact that nearly 400,000 Americans have thrown in the towel on the prospect of finding any work. AND what happens?…The media talks about how “hip hop” the Prez is and the mindless drones  repeat  “blame Bush” … central command has it all under control….Fuck you America…You deserve this ________.

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This isn’t funny…

Who’s onto Obamanomic’s??


COSTELLO: Hey Abbott I want to talk about the unemployment rate in America and have you tell me how to explain it as if we were in charge. 


ABBOTT: Good Subject. Terrible Times. It’s 8%. 


COSTELLO: That many people are out of work?


ABBOTT:  No, that’s 15%.


COSTELLO: You just said 8%.


ABBOTT:  8% Unemployed.


COSTELLO: Right 8% out of work. 


ABBOTT: No, that’s 15%.


COSTELLO: Okay, so it’s 15%  unemployed.


ABBOTT: No, that’s 8%…


COSTELLO: WAIT  A MINUTE. Is it 8% or 15%?


ABBOTT: 8% are unemployed. 15%  are out of work.


COSTELLO: IF you are out of work you are  unemployed.


ABBOTT: No, you can’t count the “Out of Work” as  the unemployed. You have to look for work to be unemployed. 




ABBOTT: No,  you miss my point.


COSTELLO: What point?


ABBOTT:  Someone who doesn’t look for work, can’t be counted with those who look for work. It wouldn’t be fair.


COSTELLO: To  whom?


ABBOTT: The unemployed.


COSTELLO: But they are  ALL out of work.


ABBOTT: No, the unemployed are actively  looking for work. Those who are out of work stopped looking.  They gave up. And, if you give up, you are no longer in the  ranks of the unemployed.


COSTELLO: So if you’re off the  unemployment roles, that would count as less unemployment? 


ABBOTT: Unemployment would go down. Absolutely! 


COSTELLO: The unemployment just goes down because you don’t  look for work?


ABBOTT: Absolutely it goes down. That’s how we get to 8%. Otherwise it would be 15%. You don’t want to read about 15% unemployment, we wouldn’t win re-election…and then we would be unemployed.


COSTELLO: That would be frightening..


ABBOTT: Absolutely.


COSTELLO: Wait, I  got a question for you. That means there are two ways to bring  down the unemployment number?


ABBOTT: Two ways is correct. 


COSTELLO: Unemployment can go down if someone gets a job? 


ABBOTT: Correct.


COSTELLO: And unemployment can also go down if you stop looking for a job?


ABBOTT: Bingo. 


COSTELLO: So there are two ways to bring unemployment down, and the easier of the two is to just to have American’s stop looking for work and have the government send checks to stay at home. 


ABBOTT: Now you’re thinking like Barack Obama. 


COSTELLO: I don’t even know what the hell I just said! 


ABBOTT: Well now you’re sounding like Joe Biden.




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You know Obama is doing bad when this happens…and one more point of Biz

Before Mitt Romney puts Nicki Minaj’s latest tune at the top of his campaign rally playlist, he may want to take another listen.

Nicki Minaj — or at least one of her musical personalities — seemingly endorses the Republican Party’s presidential candidate during a song on Lil Wayne’s new mixtape, Dedication 4.

“I’m a Republican voting for Mitt Romney/You lazy bitches is f—ing up the economy,” Minaj raps during her verse on the track “Mercy,” a new take on Kanye West’s beat.

Also I have a huge investment in a gaming company…those of you who know me know this…I will not “hype” that company yet but anywho the news on ZNGA today gives me re-newed optomism. I’ve already placed a call to the CEO so you don’t have to ask…DEVELOPING

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Mr. Rogers and other stuff…

I’ll get to Mr. Rogers in a moment…

As for the tabbed blogger spot…It should be annointed to The V.King…too bad The Fly is more impressed with well edited words than preformance. I read the Fly because he helps me bank coin AND he’s clever…Very few of the others do one never mind both…1 of them does neither…

Now to Mr. Rogers…Jim Rogers, who co-founded the Quantum Fund with George Soros, says that the Federal Reserve is secretly printing money to avoid “getting egg on their face again” after previous attempts to kick start the faltering economy with $2 trillion of quantitative easing failed.

“I do not know if they [the Fed] will announce it,” the legendary investor told India’s Economic Times. “I know they are going to print more money. They already are. If you look at their balance sheets, you will see that something is happening, assets are building on their balance sheets and they are not coming from the tooth fairy.” The comments were reported  on Monday.

“They are a little bit embarrassed because they announced QE1 and QE2, and it did not work. So they may try to discuss it. They may just continue to do it without getting egg on their face again, but they are going to print money, they are all going to print money. It is the wrong thing to do, but that is all they know how to do.”

 “They probably have learned how to do things off balance sheet. I have nothing to confirm this but everyone else has learned how, so they probably have too. This is just a comment on human nature.”

Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke said in his annual speech at Jackson Hole on Friday that the country’s high level of unemployment – it climbed to 8.3 percent in July – is a “grave concern” and that the “economic situation remains far from satisfactory”.

Rogers also said believes there is no end in sight to the eurozone’s problems.

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Get the deal done.

It’s that simple…That girl at the end of the bar ain’t getting all “dolled” up and putting herself out there because she doesn’t want guys “hitting” on her. So close the deal.

Speaking of deals…check out LMLP…Ton of cash, secure patents good rev…I think it’s a buyout at 100mm market cap.

Also the V.King premium blog is coming along great. Really great features…i’ll keep you all posted.

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