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A thought from The V.King


VKN Network

U.S. government debt currently totals around $16 trillion. The Treasury estimates that this debt will rise to around $20 trillion by 2015, over 100% of America’s Gross Domestic Product.

That’s not counting other current and contingent commitments not explicitly included in the debt figures — government support for Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae (known as government-sponsored enterprises) of over US$5 trillion and unfunded obligations of over $65 trillion for programs such as Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security. State governments and municipalities have additional debt of around $3 trillion. What does this mean to you? It means if you vote for Obama I will come to your home and rape your wife, burn down your house and drop a 35lb steel weight on your sack…

BREAKING NEWS ….V.King BUYS       VRNG  $3.95

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I hate Fat Dykes!!


HEMPSTEAD, N.Y. — Another debate, another debacle for America’s media.

In the runup to the second presidential debate, CNN’s Candy Crowley declared that she would not just be a “fly on the wall” as she played the tiny role of moderator, that she would step in whenever she chose to say, “Hey, wait a second, what about X, Y, Z?”

And boy did she, cutting off Republican Mitt Romney repeatedly and often throwing the floor to President Obama with an open “let me give the president a chance here.”

More, she alone decided the topics for the debate, picking questions from the 80 so-called “undecided” voters chosen by the Gallup polling organization. Her selections were tailor-made for Mr. Obama — Mitt Romney’s tax plan, women’s rights and contraception, outsourcing, immigration, the Libya debacle (which gave Mr. Obama to finally say that the buck stops with him, not, as Hillary Clinton said, with her).

She even chose this question, directed to both men: “I do attribute much of America’s economic and international problems to the failings and missteps of the Bush administration. Since both of you are Republicans, I fear the return to the policies of those years should you win this election. What is the biggest difference between you and George W. Bush, and how do you differentiate yourself from George W. Bush?”

Ms. Crowley, who called Mr. Romney’s selection of Rep. Paul Ryan as running mate a “ticket death wish,” asserted her unilateral power at the outset, telling the audience before the cameras went on that she planned to “give the debate direction and ensure the candidates give answers to the questions.”

After both candidates answered Question One, she blurted: “Let me get a more immediate answer” — whatever that means. But when Mr. Romney sought to correct falsehoods told by the president, she cut him off: “We have all these folks here.” In the end, Mr. Obama would get 9 percent more time.

At Question Two, Mr. Obama, asked by Mr. Romney how much he had cut federal oil permits, took over the floor — with Ms. Crowley’s silent approval. “Here’s what happened,” he said as he filibustered for a full minute. Mr. Romney sought to get the last word — as the president had the question before — but the moderator shut him down: “It’ doesn’t quite work like that.”

When Mr. Romney sought to counter Mr. Obama’s assertion after Question Three, Ms. Crowley again cut him off: “Before we get into a vast array….” she said before asking a completely different question.

The next question was pure Obama — workplace inequality (the president mention at every stop his Lily Ledbetter legislation). But the query gave him the platform to demand Americans pay for contraception for all women, saying the governor “feels comfortable having politicians in Washington decide the health care choices that women are making.”

For the record, Mr. Obama spoke for two minutes, then Mr. Romney, then Mr. Obama again. Ms. Crowley then rushed into the next question.

When the immigration question came up, both candidates gave their answers. Then the moderator once again butted in, ordering Mr. Romney to “speak to the idea of self-deportation.”

By then, Mr. Romney had had enough, and talked over her demands. “No, let — let — let me go back and speak to the points the president made and — and — and let’s get them correct.”

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Quel deuxième terme d’Obama aura l’air de.

L’Edition de Paris de Réseau de VKN.

“The situation is very serious. Some business leaders are in a state of quasi-panic,” said Laurence Parisot, head of employers’ group MEDEF.

“The pace of bankruptcies has accelerated over the summer. We are seeing a general loss of confidence by investors. Large foreign investors are shunning France altogether. It’s becoming really dramatic.”

MEDEF, France’s equivalent of the CBI, said the threat has risen from “a storm warning to a hurricane warning”, adding that the Socialist government of François Hollande has yet to understand the “extreme gravity” of the crisis.

The immediate bone of contention is Article 6 of the new tax law, which raises the top rate of capital gains tax from 34.5pc to 62.2pc. This compares with 21pc in Spain, 26.4pc in Germany and 28pc in Britain.

An alliance of private organisations in France has issued a protest entitled “State of Emergency for Business”, warning that confiscatory tax rates threaten lasting damage to the French economy.

Mrs Parisot said the policies border on economic illiteracy: “The idea of aligning taxes on capital with those on wages is a profound economic error. It is scandalous that the French have been left in such economic ignorance for years.”

French business has called for “competiveness shock” of business tax cuts to claw back lost ground against Germany. Instead, it faces an extra €10bn (£8.1bn) of business costs from the budget unveiled in September.

Mr Hollande is tightening fiscal policy by 2pc of GDP next year to meet EU deficit targets, with two-thirds coming from higher taxes. The budget does little to shrink the French state. Spending has risen to 55pc of GDP, similar to Sweden but without Nordic labour flexibility.

French economic growth has been near zero for the past five quarters. It may have tipped into recession over the summer as the malaise spread from Italy and Spain, according to Banque de France.

New car registrations were down 7.7pc in the third quarter from a year earlier. Unemployment has been creeeping up, reaching a post-euro high of 10.6pc.

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This is all that matters….

Fuck the laughing and smirks…

So let me get this straight. The fucking intelligence community can’t figure out if the Libya attack was or wasn’t a terrorist attack, if it was a demonstration or a pre planned attack by Al Qaeda, how to communicate this properly to the President and the State Dept but Biden wants us to believe them that they have all the facts on Iran’s Nuclear capabilities…If you believe Joe Biden then you are the dumbest Kool-Aide drinker known to man…

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Meet the newest member of The V.Kingdom

The Newest Member of The V.Kingdom.


VKN News is reporting that Masked gunmen shot dead a Yemeni man on his way to work at the U.S. embassy in Sanaa on Thursday, a security source said, the latest in a wave of assassinations in the Arab state where Washington is battling al Qaeda militants. Don’t worry ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, All Print Media have direct orders not to report these events…Developing

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Mitt Romney ain’t afraid of African VooDoo

VKN News is reporting that The V.King has tabulated (using mystic neck weights, KY Jelly and motion lotion) that Mitt Romney will be the next President of the USA by winning the electoral college. In honour [sic] The V.King will be doing reverse bench press with 300lbs of weight…I chose 300lbs reverse grip bench because I can and it will ward off all of 0Bama’s African VooDoo magic….

Also Mitt Romney continues rising in the polls, and is leading President Barack Obama in 11 key swing states 49 to 47 percent, according to the latest Rasmussen Reports survey.

The states, all won by Obama in 2008, collectively hold 146 Electoral College votes and include Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Michigan, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia and Wisconsin.

This is the first time Romney has led the daily Swing State Survey since Sept. 19. Until today, the president had led for 17 of the previous 19 days, and the candidates had been tied twice, according to the survey.

The survey is based on findings from the previous seven days, with most of the responses now coming since Romney’s debate win last Wednesday night.

Forty-six percent of  swing state voters are now “certain” they will vote for Romney and will not change their minds. Forty percent are certain they will vote for the president.

In 2008, Obama won these states by a combined margin of 53 percent to 46 percent, virtually identical to his national margin.

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Odds are Romney Wins 300 electoral votes

VKN News is reporting that The V.King has tabulated (using mystic neck weights, KY Jelly and motion lotion) that Mitt Romney will be the next President of the USA by winning the electoral college. In honour [sic] The V.King will be doing reverse bench press with 300lbs of weight…I chose 300lbs reverse grip bench because I can and it will ward off all of 0Bama’s African VooDoo magic….

Mitt Romney continues rising in the polls, and is leading President Barack Obama in 11 key swing states 49 to 47 percent, according to the latest Rasmussen Reports survey.

The states, all won by Obama in 2008, collectively hold 146 Electoral College votes and include Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Michigan, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia and Wisconsin.

This is the first time Romney has led the daily Swing State Survey since Sept. 19. Until today, the president had led for 17 of the previous 19 days, and the candidates had been tied twice, according to the survey.

The survey is based on findings from the previous seven days, with most of the responses now coming since Romney’s debate win last Wednesday night.

Forty-six percent of  swing state voters are now “certain” they will vote for Romney and will not change their minds. Forty percent are certain they will vote for the president.

In 2008, Obama won these states by a combined margin of 53 percent to 46 percent, virtually identical to his national margin.

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In 1887 Alexander Tyler , a Scottish history professor at the University of Edinburgh ,

had this to say about the fall of the Athenian Republic some 2,000 years prior: 


“A democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a permanent

form of government.

A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can

vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury.

From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates who promise the

most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally

collapse over loose fiscal policy, (which is) always followed by a dictatorship.” 


“The average age of the world’s greatest civilizations from the beginning of history, has

been about 200 years.

During those 200 years, these nations always progressed through the following sequence: 


From bondage to spiritual faith; 

From spiritual faith to great courage; 

From courage to liberty; 

From liberty to abundance; 

From abundance to complacency; 

From complacency to apathy; 

From apathy to dependence; 

From dependence back into bondage.”

The Obituary follows:


Born 1776, Died 2012  

It doesn’t hurt to read this several times.

Professor Joseph Olson of Hamline University School of Law in  St. Paul , Minnesota ,

points out some interesting facts concerning the last Presidential election: 


Number of States won by:            Obama: 19                McCain: 29 

Square miles of land won by:       Obama: 580,000        McCain: 2,427,000 

Population of counties won by:    Obama: 127 million  McCain: 143 million 

Murder rate per 100,000 residents in counties won by: Obama: 13.2 McCain: 2.1  


Professor Olson adds: “In aggregate, the map of the territory McCain won was

mostly the land owned by the taxpaying citizens of the country.


Obama territory mostly encompassed those citizens living in low income

tenements and living off various forms of government welfare…”


Olson believes the  United States is now somewhere between the

“complacency and apathy” phase of Professor Tyler ‘s definition of democracy,

with some forty percent of the nation’s population already having reached

the “governmental dependency” phase.


If Congress grants amnesty and citizenship to twenty million criminal

invaders called illegal’s – and they vote – then we can say goodbye to the

USA in fewer than five years. 


If you are in favor of this, then by all means, delete this message.


If you are not, then pass this along to help everyone realize just how much is at

stake, knowing that apathy is the greatest danger to our freedom..


This is truly scary!

Of course we are not a democracy, we are a Constitutional Republic .

Someone should point this out to Obama.

Of course we know he and too many others pay little attention to The Constitution.

There couldn’t be more at stake than on Nov 2012.

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V.King/Hustler Post Debate Poll … Romney 59% 0Bama 41%

The following is a break down of each of the 4 race groups highest self identified likely voter for each candidate 10/03/12

Romney Wins the:

White Males (non HOMO) 95%

White Females (know how to use an oven) 70%

Black Males (who have less than 1 baby momma) 32%

Black Females (non stripper) 28%

Asian Male (Cocaine Karaoke User) 77%

Asian Females ( nail salon workers) 80%

Hispanic Males (non lawn care) 55%

Hispanic Females (non housekeeper) 45%

Obama Wins the:

White Males ( cum guzzlers ) 99%

White Females ( watch more than 3 hrs of Jersey Shore a week ) 59%

Black Males (incarcerated) 100%

Black Females (more than 6 children) 100%

Asian Males ( shemales ) 97%

Asian Females ( “massage therapist ) 67%

Hispanic Males ( MS-9 gang member) 88%

Hispanic Females ( drug mule ) 95%


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