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Joined Jan 19, 2010
717 Blog Posts


After INTC’s good earnings you’d think that KLIC would be doing better. But it is not.

The stock was below $7 last week and ran up to almost $9 in anticipation of Intel’s good news. But now the company is saying they see a “pushout” of orders in the fourth quarter. With that, the stock is down a whopping 10% and below $8.

We own this under $5 and have been recommending to buy in the 6.50 area. Realize it was 6.75 on July 1st. I would welcome an opportunity to buy in the mid-6’s if possible. So sorry that a little more patience is needed on the way to $10…

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It’s the markets that shape the news, not the other way around…


And just to prove how utterly fickle the media and “investors” really are; as the market rallies you will begin hearing about how all the negatives that you heard just two weeks ago were phantom worries and incorrect forecasts. Like when the market is “bad”, the big bears are frequent business media guests. Now that the market is acting better, it will be a fully bullish coterie of analysts and strategists marched on the television. It is blatantly obvious that news hardly shapes the markets. It is the markets that shape the news. It is the market that determines if the economy is perceived as being good or bad. It is the market that dictates consumer and corporate spending. Another stock market bubble would make investors forget about the plunged prices and rampant illiquidity in the real estate market. Another stock market bubble would make us all feel rich again, but don’t hold your breath.

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