Read Scott here on iBankCoin and also at http://www.createcapital.com/
Joined Jan 19, 2010
717 Blog Posts

Pay versus Free…

[youtube:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q9MUarEM0D0&feature=related 616 500]

First, let me thank most of you for my warm welcome to IBC. I spent about a month posting as a tabbed blogger, and Fly and I decided to offer a much more in-depth premium offering. I can understand that some of you may not like that. Tough noogies. There will always be free stuff, but even the Blogfather knows that his baby is NOT a not-for-profit enterprise.  This has been a free site except for the great PPT database and interface and now Woodshedders premium site. They are truly unique products and worthy of your acceptance. IBC is growing and will continue to do so. After all, the only constant is change…

We introduced the CreateCoin Premium last week and I spent a most of my time populating it with content for our Members. Multiple market commentary, stock recommendations, and dozens of charts were posted.

While doing that, I neglected to offer much in the way of free stuff. And when I published on the premium site, I posted on the free blog to make sure everyone knew that a new post was up. It may have seemed like an advertisement and that I was neglecting my “tabbed blogger” duties. For that, I ask that you allow me to “get the balance right” between pay and free. I will be posting blog commentary and pertinent charts when appropriate and linking to premium content. But our paying members will obviously get the most timely information. After all, you get what you pay for…

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Working on stuff…

Once a week I review the stocks that I own or am following and that is usually Thursday/Friday. So, I’m going through my stocks and I”m finding that a lot of the stuff bought last month have either reached or are close to my pre-determined targets.

That makes me want to ring the bell. So I have and I will…

I also like to find the laggards and buy them because this late in the move, the last thing I want to chase is something up 30% in a month. They’ll be more upside, but not much…

I will be posting my charts later today. It may even be after the close, so stick around. Oh, these charts will be on my premium CreateCoin pages. Check it out. Value added!

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