Joined Jan 1, 1970
1,010 Blog Posts

nothing changes

Market is up on German export data. Looks like the rally stopped 1121-1125 ES range. Can you say

TSN reported truly stellar numbers as fat bastard people polluting the earth with their inhumane treatment of animals surely popular these days. Anyway, the stock is still down about 1% right now, but it’s not exactly what I was expecting. I covered for a measly gain and now want to move on.

I’m expecting today to be unbelievably boring. At best they’ll load up the dumbass truck some more in a range. So, I’m using all my Tyson profits to go out and get me 10 McDonald’s chicken nuggets. Fuckin’ chickens gonna pay for not making me rich.

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  1. Po Pimp

    Best way to drop TSN price is to have the INS raid all their plants. 80% of their work force will be deported post haste.

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  2. turd

    fuck. i was sitting on the call and no one had mentioned the increase in costs. instantly bam. down 3%. fucking a.

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