Joined Jan 1, 1970
1,010 Blog Posts

LEGO, Grown Up

I grew up with LEGOs.

They were the ultimate “indoor” toy for me.

And while I was never the most skilled “original builder” amongst my friends, I distinctly remember several creations that I was quite proud of…especially considering the limited supply of bricks that I got to work with (a restriction stemming from the meagre amounts of disposable income afforded by Mother’s teaching salary).

As I grew older, computers slowly became the “ultimate” toys…and although my love for LEGOs never quite diminished, I definitely did not “play” or spend as much time on them as I once did.

However, over the last few years I’ve started to rekindle some of this LEGO-love.  Not in the form of knights and spacemen (or even the Technic of my teens), but rather in the complex big builds that I didn’t have a hope or prayer of affording earlier.

My latest acquisition, via a well-timed and -received Christmas gift, is a set from the brand new “Architecture” series…Frank Lloyd Wright’s Fallingwater.  Not the most challenging build, to be sure, yet the building “experience” is still satisfying as you watch the structure “go up” under your hands…perhaps similar to how the real stones & steel may have actually been laid.  In fact, each of the 3 main levels of the living quarters can be removed and examined individually.


These Architecture sets are definitely not meant for “playing,” nor are they meant to pose the ultimate challenge as some of the multi-thousand peace humongo-sets do.  They are a more refined experience…as close as you may get to “LEGO art,” if you will…

This one is going up for display in the home office for sure.


Continuing Monday’s theme on Tuesday (although now with a delta-neutral portfolio, after booking several profitable calls)…looking for bearish entries via a few puts:
BGC (@30.75), BUCY (@57.75), EOG (@99.50), GLW (@19.), HPQ (@51.89), HUM (@45.)

Current holdings:


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  1. The Fly

    If I saw that in person, I’d throw it out of a window and tell you to GET BACK TO WORK.

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    • dpeezy



      Puts starting to pay off today, slowly, led by STP.
      Sets things up for the market to take a cue from the Times Square ball and “drop.”

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