Joined Jan 1, 1970
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Once in a while, you get stuff in the mail or e-mail that not only gives you a chuckle, but also compels you to pass it on, for the enjoyment of others. Here is one such piece of literature that showed up in my e-mail box……  

“Syrians and Palestinians struggle to even read Arabic, much less have a clue about reading English.  So, how does a group of  Palestinian protesters create the most impact with their signs for the media? Having the standard “Death To Americans”(etc.) slogans printed in English, right?

How do they accomplish that? 

Answer: They simply hire a Middle Eastern-looking / English-speaking civilian to translate and write their statements into English. 

Unfortunately for them, in this case, they were unaware that the “Middle Eastern-looking civilian” hired for the job was a retired US Army Special Forces Sergeant.

As you might have expected, the pictures of this protest rally never made their way to American or Arab TV networks, but the results were PRICELESS! This picture has not been photoshopped.” protest.bmp           

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  1. JakeGint

    Err… you might want to reconsider that photoshopping claim.

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  2. JakeGint

    Yeah, I kind of thought so.

    “Always check Snopes,” is one of my mottos….

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  3. Gunners

    haha, hilarious, nonetheless

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  4. alphadawgg

    It was hilarious, regardless of the person’s claim that “it wasn’t photoshopped”.

    I usually check Snopes, but this was to funny to prevent from slipping out.

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  5. Danny

    obvious photoshop. I can tell with my eyes. still funny

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