Joined Jan 1, 1970
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Obligatory UCLA Post

They’re moving on, despite doing their best to spectacularly let W.Kentucky win.  This obviously warrants another appearance from our favorite cheerleaders.  Well, just one, in this case:


Perhaps she can take the pain of Wazzu’s craptastic performance against UNC off my mind.

There’s a good chance that the stock market takes a similar dump tomorrow.  Ragin’ has a good post of several short candidates.  I’ve posted a few ideas in the comments, including [[ALK]], [[AMLN]], [[AUXL]], [[CMG]], [[GSIC]], [[HOKU]].

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  1. JakeGint

    It’s unfortunate that the three best remaining teams — Lou, NoCarolina and Kansas, all reside on the same half of the bracket.

    Memphis and UCLA are “also rannish.”

    I tried to tell you, West Coast teams… too “pooftahish.”

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  2. DPeezy

    UCLA is saving the best for last.

    No need to give 100% effort until the big boys come to town.

    Memphis will lose tonight to the angriness of Tom Izzo.

    I did ‘lol’ at “also rannish”. Will have to file that away for future usage. As in Texas proved to be “also rannish” against Stanford.

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  3. JakeGint

    Stanford goes down in a gay ball of flames tonight.

    Forgot to mention.

    Don’t miss the Kansas game. Love ‘Nova, but they are doomed.

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  4. DPeezy

    Kansas should be a good one.
    I’m also looking forward to the Stephen Curry show, part 3.

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  5. JakeGint

    Curry rocked the house again. I’m starting to worry about him vs. Kansas, even.

    Stanford collapsed into a puddle of gay introspection, as predicted.

    Let’s see if UCLA can beat the X-men. I bet it’s close either way.

    UCLA has to be the most overrated team left.

    Shame the Cards and Carolina meet before the Final Four (or two)….

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