Why does everyone think Le Fly is anonymous?


In a former life I was a snoop.  As in working for a federal agency (unnamed here, but not the CIA) where part of my job was finding out about people.  The advent of the internet (yes, I am old) just made this easier, especially if one has access to “special” databases (cough, cough).  To the point.  The real name of Le Fly (he who shall not be named here) can easily be found by any quick search on any one of a dozen internet search engines.  Perhaps more remarkable is the fact that the Fly’s true name has been posted right on the iBankCoin Home page under “About iBankCoin” since at least June 25, 2009.

So much for anonymity.

A little silly anyway.  I always felt that a person could call themselves whatever they wanted to.  After all I don’t think Michael Savage’s talk show “Savage Nation”  would play as well using his real name, Mike Weiner.

So raise a cup of properly brewed tea and give a  toast to Le Fly in all his many incarnations.  Enjoy this site while we have it, because nothing good lasts forever.




4 Responses to “Why does everyone think Le Fly is anonymous?”

  1. george hamilton is a tanned fucker from dynasty that used to bang alexis. lol.

  2. Thanks Pinkerton for cracking the case on this one.
    It’s always been shrouded in deep controversy. A riddle wrapped in an enigma and protected by the illuminati.

    Truth be told, The Fly spends much of his time traveling into the future, and rarely even exists in your “world” in any accessible means of contact other than IBC. Which is located in a secret bunker below massive farmland east of the Appellations and north of …. Anyway, Mr “former snoop” THIS IS BIG buddy. I smell Pulitzer. This has tied a nation up for years,

  3. his easter egg hunt is over.the bunny ate it.rof

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