The Primary Random Observation


This is the first of what may end up being a not so steady stream of random thoughts about life and/or investing.  I have enjoyed Le Fly’s commentary for the past few years (Thank you for WNR) and sincerely hope my drivel does not lead to blog castration and banishment.  However, let the chips fall where they may.

I am not by trade professional trader, investor, picker, or anything else related to the stock market type of person.  However, in a moment of insanity fueled by delusions of grandeur I did set up an LLC several years ago to trade in iron condors.  My first lesson in reality was to lose about 30% of the company’s capital in the first month of operation due to a combination of personal stupidity and market insanity.  The flash crash of May 6, 2010 (may the date live in infamy forever) finally convinced me that I was never going to be able to beat Goldman Sachs or the other market manipulators, so I folded JALCOVT LLC with only a whimper, not a bang.  Since then I have hung around the fringes of the market trying to make a buck here and a buck there with no real commitment to winning.  So of course I have done all right as a result.  My investing strategy is simple.  Pick winners and get out before everyone else does.  (That was meant as a joke (ha ha))

So anyway, that will be it for this post and there may never be another.  We will see.






2 Responses to “The Primary Random Observation”

  1. keep posting, this is higher quality than my posts, and I’m not banned yet.

  2. Appreciate the post. For better or for worse, your post reminded me of this video.

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