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Tag Archives: SSRI

The 11th Hour of the 11th Day


I have a daughter who was born in 2000.  She’s going to a classmate’s party today, and you guessed it, the classmate is also 11, on 11/11/11.   Pretty cool.  Of course my daughter also knows kids that were in 10 on October 10th and 9 on September 9th, and almost all the way down the line.   I guess that’s one of the hidden perks of being a Millenial Baby. 

Of course all that fun ends next December on 12/12/12, which will not coincidentally also soon after auger in her first year of teenagerdom.  Teenagerhood?  Teenagedness?

In any case, I’d better gird my loins.

But let’s not lose sight of the importance of the Day itself, written into history in 1918 as the end marker of “The War to End all Wars” — WWI.  Unfortunately that was a bit of hubris, wasn’t it?  The very Treaty (Versailles) signed that day in fact set the groundwork for an even worse World War only a little more than 20 years later. 

The study of history shows that human nature is cyclic, and that we tend to make the same mistakes, no matter our careful plans to eradicate them by mutually agreed consensus.   There will always be those who seek to take advantage of said consensus, just as there will always be those claiming we’ve finally arrived at the “End of History.”  

To expect otherwise in future is a fool’s game.  We can only do the best we can, and improve ourselves individually and as a society by gentle consensus, and with a constant and humble awareness that we will backslide.  That knowledge, that humility, will allow us to rebound all the quicker.

I would humbly suggest we hold then to our accumulated traditions, our respect for others, their person and property and our fealty to consensual agreement over forced autarchy.   For these are the traditions that set the Free People of the West apart from civilizations of the past, and from the failed societies of the present.  

But let’s also be most cognizant that these traditions are under fire from many quarters, and that in many cases, all that stands between them and the less enlightened cohorts of the past are the blood of those willing to defend their preservation.

So let’s raise a glass to our Veterans, and to those who carry the sword — voluntarily — into battle for our civilization today.   And pass that good word to a soldier in uniform not just this day, but from this day foreward.


As I expected (was hoping?), the dollar gnomes have collapsed the dollar anew.    This has led to some very nice activity in the silver and gold pits, with the kind of flagging (bullish) that makes my heart grow fond.

I will likely add here and there to my hordes today, and will let you know if I do.  Right now I am enjoying strong moves in SLW, EGO, IAG and my various ETF plays, including the doubles AGQ and NUGT.

As always, if you want to toe-dip, start with the basics — GDX, GDXJ and SIL.  Highest octane is in the crazy silvers, like my favourites AG and EXK.  Today and for the next few days, SSRI should also be moving to make up for the plungerooni (overdone) yesterday.

Lastly, don’t forget about the “rare earth” plays like QRM and AVL for added dollar inflation pop.
My best to you all on this day of honour.


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Tornadic Jacksonians

[youtube:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W773ZPJhcVw&feature=related 450 300]


Flying around the Central Mitten today via large American Sedan, one cannot help but be astounded by the plethora of funnel clouds in so many seemingly peaceful rural burgs these days.  If Mother Nature cannot leave lie a town known for 361 days of Christmas (despite its Mary Shelley-esque name) and not one but two Wiener Schnitzel Emporiums, then I just don’t know what the world is coming to.  I tell you, if this road trip gets any more adventuresome, it may take me four days to hitch hike from Saginaw all the way home.

Things were no less tornadic in the precious metal miners markets today, with that rally off support finally coming through for us:

Even more mucho blasto than Baby $HUI, however, were my faithful Jacksonians, with SLW, EXK, ANV, PAAS, SSRI, EGO and even TCK up anywhere from 5% to 9% today.

And not to be overly boastful, but I thought it quite shiny that my final call of yesterday’s post — that laggard AG would catch up to it’s brethren in rapid fashion — came through like a dolorous Dakota Fanning in a crying scene, to the tune of almost 11% in cash gains.  Note the chart, and the accompanying caveat:

Note well my easily excitable Adderall dependents — one strong day does not a rally make.  As you can see above, many many of our Jacksonians are banging their heads on 20 and 50-day EMA’s.   I would not be surprised at all, therefore, to see a pullback from these levels, and perhaps one all the way back to the 500 level on the Baby $HUI.

Most likely we’ll see the most trouble at the old breakout line on the $HUI — at $519 give or take a smidge.   Be aware of your levels and do not get caught flat-footed.   In the meantime, silver still looks like the recovery drug, although traditionally hot money gold plays like ANV (up 8.83% today) are coming in close behind.

Be safe out there, and keep your helmets on.


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Gettin’ Silver Highs


Listen up kids, I don’t do drugs.  

No, really.

No, I get high on… silver highs.   New one’s especially.  ‘Fact, I might even OD on breaking all-time highs, but I am doing wind sprints and having my sons jump out of random closets at me “Cato-Clouseau-style” in order to get my adrenaline glands in good condition for the eventuality.

Cause I’m pretty sure it’s coming.   Tonight we have new 31-year highs at $33.12, which is making me very happy.  Mind you I started buying physical silver at about $4.50 an ounce, and have never sold any of it.  That’s over 630% since 2002.  I wish I could say the same for my silver stocks, which I’ve traded perhaps with over-zealous vigour (sic).  In truth, they’ve been even more volatile than the commodity price itself.  

My favorite silver play continues to be the royalty play Silver Wheaton — SLW— which does not dirty its fingernails with crude dirt-scratching but instead secures royalty payment in silver at a certain price in exchange for financing miners.   Would you screech out loud if I told you that SLW had arranged to be paid in silver at the equivalent of less than $5.00 an ounce?   That’s like taking a time machine back to 2002 and rifling the unsuspecting corner numismatic storedfront for less than appreciated 100 oz. ingots, only to return to February 2011 and have them assayed for over $33… and counting.

Can you see why I’m so excited about royalty plays?  They are, in fact, leverage for the leveraged price of the precious metal, as that is what the miners do — they allow one leverage on an increasing precious metal price.  The royalty play is one step higher up the chain of amped return.  Is there risk of default and other mining related problems?  Of course, but like a bank, a diversified portfolio will absorb some of that volatility.  

 Remember this SLW  chart from a couple of weeks ago?   The two arrows are the places where I’ve made recent buys.  We’re still not back to our old December highs, but I think we’ll be there, maybe as soon as this week.  

 Royal Gold — RGLD — is another royalty play, this time on the gold side, and with an even more diversified portfolio than SLW.   That’s another Jacksonian you want to own.

I also like EXK, AGQ (be careful with this one), PAAS, MVG, SVM, AG, CDE (small), and SSRI.  Another great catch all for all of these (or most) is SIL, the silver miner ETF. 

For gold, the old standards, ANV, EGO, RGLD, IAG, GDX, GDXJ, NGD  are recommended, and newcomers IVN and AAU to taste.  I continue to believe also that the rare earth metals will resume their volatile climbs, and I like AVL and QSURD best.

Nothing going on in the U.S. stock markets tomorrow, but the precious metal, U.S. dollar and futures markets should be fun.  Ciao for now.


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Roller Coaster Days

roller coaster 


It seems Mother Market has decided to “take the piss” as they say in the jolly old UK, on my beleaguered soul today.   She drove the dollar up and the Amex Gold Bugs $HUI Index down to recent sub-optimal climes, while rifling my pockets for spare cigs and change for the jukebox.

I continue to call bullshit on she and her precious dollar, however, despite her mischievous manichean attempts to subdue me.    Because the dollar rolled today, only to see gold and to some extent, silver, remain unchanged.   I believe the reason the move was not taken altogether seriously is the amoung of overhead resistance the dollar will be limping into as early as tomorrow.   Note the base line “hold” (#1) and the three resistance lines (#’s 2, 3 & 4) fast approaching for the buck:

As a result of my decision to flail the dollar with a whipe of intertwined balogna skins today, I began adding more silver and gold miners this afternoon.  I did not add more AGQ, as I’d rather buy that on an uptrend, and escape its inherent volatility in an unsure market.   I did add, SLW, EXK, SSRI on the silver side, and NG, NGD, and AAU on the gold side.   Nothing extravagant,yet, mind you.   I’m  just pacing my way back into the game so I can blow cigar smoke at my nearest opponents’ wives.

SLW gives me comfort here, as far as today’s headfake.  Can you tell me why?

SLW is a must have in the port, ladies and gentlemen.  A must have.

Thanks again for all your kindness today, and I bid you adieu for now.


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Giants and Bears Packed Off

Grossman Screwed
And Yes, Rex Grossman Was Screwed, Too

Didn’t take long for the first of my semi-facetious predictions to fail did it?  Well it did, and my Giants, despite winning today over a semi-revitalied Rex Grossman-led Redskin team, were drubbed out of the playoffs by the Green Bay Fudge Packers, who beat them this week and dah Bears (see above) today.

There’s nothing like just missing the playoffs to make for the worst of all possible worlds.   Despite a 10-6 record, my team will be on the sofa next weekend, and — adding insult to injury — will likely keep the Angry Leprechaun, Tom Coughlin and his offensive (in the literal sense) coordinator, Captain Kangaroo Kevin Gilbride in the driver’s seat for at least another year.   The final coup de grace — we’ll get a crappy “playoff level” draft pick because there will be playoff teams that have worse records picking behind us. 

I guess I will become a Jet fan for the few short weeks for it to take them to snuffed out by Eli’s older brother or some similar such ignonimy.  Gosh knows there’s no one in the NFC honorable enough to root for, and I am beginning to really despise the Packers, I’ll have you know.

But never as much as Dawg Killah and the Eagles, no fear.


As for me, I ended the year up a gigantaload.  So much so, compared to year end 2009, that you’d probably not even believe me, so I won’t boast about it.  Suffice it to say that I was still piling on win in huge amounts even on the last day of the year, despite being about 40% hedged and having about 30% in cash.   Ironically, my largest single gain on December 31st was Monsieur’s FTK, which I do believe I shall keep for a while, ovah heah.

I also believe AVL — the old Avalon Metals now on the Amex Exchange — will continue to shine it’s bizarre functional-if-rare metallic lights on my precious laden portfolio.   I will have more to say on the rare earths as we move forward– I am digging diligently as you read this…

Without question silver will continue to shine, and SLW, PAAS, SSRI, MVG, SVM, CDE, HL, and yes EXK will continue to shine.   I will let you know when I will begin piling in on a leveraged basis soon enough.  I think the dollar remains on the edge of the knife (it is rallying as I type this), but until it breaks, I will remain positioned as I am.

We will also look into the ags, and I think it is time to re-recognize the farmer Jacksonians — ANDE and MON again, as strong picks going forward.  TC and TCK, the molybdenum brothers, should also perform here.

I haven’t posted the Jacksons as of late, but if you were to have held them since this blog’s inception (May 1st, 2009), you’d be up 125% right now, and that’s with a negative return on both MON and TBT, both of which I urge you to continue to accumulate this year.  

Stick with me kid, we are going places in 2011….

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The Turkey Gods Seek Your Dollars

Turkey Gods

The Turkey Gods are here.  Tremble, all ye who remain Ursine in attitude.

How do I know? Simple.   I merely whip out my prodigious folding money clip and scan the Benjamins, Grants and Jacksons for signs of wear and tear.   Sure as shootin’, there’s been beak-damage done to all the eyes of my papery dead Presidents.

The Turkey Gods love to eat dollars, but they especially love the vile jellies of moldering dead American War Heroes.   And yes, historical termagents, Ben Franklin was also a war hero.

Said heroes are not to be confused with “The Ben Bernank.” He is the hero only of the Currency Crusades, a tilter at windmills and the paper dragons of deflation. Soon, his unsmiling bearded mug will adorn the $10,000,000 dollar note, Zimbabwe-style.

Tonight, the dollar is below my “drain level” of $78.20 — currently trading at $78.13, after hitting lows tonight (Sunday evening) of $78.08.   I believe this is the “all clear” signal, and will be pushing the rest of my chips all in.

Not sure how many of you caught my large pickup in junior gold stock IAG, as announced in The PPT, the other day, but I grabbed a lot of December 17.50’s well below $17–.   I think that will continue to work.

However, I think the big silvers will be the one’s off the chart next week.  If you were contemplating the rulers — SLW, PAAS, SSRI or even the ETF, SIL, then this week is the time to grab hold before the end of the year.

The one I really like in the more speculative area, however, is EXK.   I also like SVM and MVG in the more speculative range.   CDE and HL — the garbage of the sector, should be handled with care.  No matter, they should all rise through to the end of the year.

RGLD, EGO, and of course ANV, gold juniors all, should also be at the top of your lists, as well.

Best to you all.


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