The Campaign Post.


Fuck off campaigning, I am writing this post from trenches far from home, in the depths of sandy Cairo, Egypt. Where shit went wild last night with civilians rushing the president Morsi’s party pad. He is on dog food, his master plan is obviously to turn all those who reside in Egypt  into ancient slave who will once again smelt gold and build pyramids that house world destroying laser beams. Shit is getting real in the sand box now, the Brotherhood is cooking something up in the shadows.

I am obviously not like the ones I respect most; those who blog on the iBC home page, Rhino, and Raul3. This is a good thing in my opinion. They stay at home, in the states, holding the savage tweaked on cocaine and coffee called the market at bay, while myself (sometimes accompanied by Rhino when parachuting behind enemy lines to get the dirty) travel around this ball of magma we live on, digging trenches and foxholes for when we have our fallout of the entire world, not just America, those are already well in place. I bring the fucking party, I don’t let stupid shit like politics or the truth get in the way of a great story for the halls of iBC. We all have great fucking ideas foaming out of our mouths, but can you turn that shit into something that will keep people sitting at the campfire every night to hear your lame ass ideas and stories? I can. 

So think long and hard when you venture out to the polls of iBC and waiting 6+ hours in the frigid winds, who you will dub honour of Tabbed Blogger, because you will be the one getting the enjoyment from us. Please don’t turn our haven into another fucking SeekingAlpha, Stocktwits, or any of those dime-a-dozen “i like stocks” site.

I am Greedfeed, and I approve this message.

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