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helicopter ben

Fare Thee Well

We’ll folks, (extra Obama) the election is upon us.  As I noted before, nobody gives a fuck, this is generally true and generally confirmed by recent news being printed about Trump and Hillary.

If Hillary wins, this is a win for the top 10% of the country definitely.  Those people make their money mostly off the backs of an underpaid labor force (in terms of productivity not supply and demand).  They got us into this mess and they will be damned if they get us out of it without a fight.  Expect stocks to continue to rise under Hillary barring some sort of change of heart in the Federal Reserve or abroad.  Hillary is Wall St.’s candidate so don’t expect domestic issues to be anything but buying opportunities as you all probably know.

Trump will be a victory for anybody who hopes that the elite haven’t optimized controlling the masses.  The thing is, it seems right now that the computers and those who control them are ahead of the people.  This can be seen generally in the Cubs world series victory.  Theo Epstein essentially optimized winning in baseball (around every 5-10 years is much greater than expectation).  He is Billy Bean of teams with deep pockets and advanced analytics will be part of every team for the rest of baseball history because of him.

I know a lot of you voted but I have a warning.  If you’re voting for Hillary for any reason other than you are a young woman or somebody looking for a free handout, don’t be surprised eight years from now when you want to vote for somebody who will help the country you’ll be stuck with candidates that make Hillary Clinton and Mitt Romney look like Mother Teresa.

Thanks for the soap box, Dr. Fly!

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No One Gives a Fuck


Hi friends, long time no post, that would be related to my post title and me feeling under the weather.  But we’ve had some things happen with the FBI that may switch some voters minds. (Extra October surprise.)

The important part of anything that comes out about HRC is that nobody cares at all.  I’ll tell you, these days like 25% of the country is full leftist and not even ashamed of it.  So when something that is literally criminal comes out about their communist messiah, they just ignore it.  I’ve had a conversation with one such leftist about how they don’t want to vote for Trump because he’s rough around the edges (sic) but will gladly vote for Hillary because she will help refugees (which she helped create.) I wanna tell this person what the actual fuck, but we are on cordial terms.


These people don’t give any fucks about anything related to helping the country, they absorb the globalist bullshit and parrot it back as if it is gospel.  Thank goodness zeropointenergy guy is blogging and helping show that not everybody who could be is a commie.  If this election is lost though, it will be because people would rather pretend to care about random bullshit than actually care about anything related to helping the country, the economy, or their fellow Americans.

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Vote Rauner, Not Blagojevich

Born and raised in Illinois, I feel as if I am in a time machine into the future.  You see, Illinois right now is what is going to happen to the United States in the next few decades. Illinois has not been able to curb spending or cut debt at all, just like what will happen in the United States barring major changes. (The outcomes will be different: Illinois will probably default in spite of the lack of current legality while the United States could enter a period of hyperinflation if the debt isn’t cancelled through an act of congress.)

I am here to tell you though, to vote for Trump instead of Hillary.  Vote for Trump because you’re not a complete asshole who would rather accept destroying the country instead of the chance that uncertainty short-term is better than long-term certain doom.

Illinois has had its share of clowns in office.  For the most part, these people have been corrupt clowns, a la Hillary Clinton.  Most recently, a successful businessman came in to try to use his success in running a company to run a state, sound familiar?  The thing is, Rauner was able to enact some legislation to fix the states bloated pension budget/underfunding.  The problem is the state supreme court denied the ability of the administration to cut pension benefits due to the state constitution, whatever.  The point is he tried and was able to fight tooth and nail for it until the very end.

The other side of Illinois politics is runaway corruption at almost all levels.  Similarly to how lobbying is strangling congress in any attempt to pass any practical bill.  Even Obamacare turned out to be a written by insurers to save their ass kinda bill.  I am here to tell you #imwithherers that corruption is only alright if things get done.  Being part of the lobbying class with a congress that’s basically deadlocked means that your hopes of anything passing but more pork-barrel spending are pipedreams under Clinton.  And again, I can tell you as a “proud” Illinoisan that if you vote for anybody you’ll get some corruption.  The problem is people have already seen Hillary’s myriad ineptitudes in the public eye and we know that her kind of corruption doesn’t get things done and will only destroy the economy for the (upper) middle class and lower in her (presumed) eight years in office.

So to frog, vii, etc. vote Trump, not for the reason that the chance of things getting done with Trump are low, but for the reason that the chances of anything helpful for the country being done under Clinton are zero.


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Universal Basic Income and Thoughts on Blogging

helicopter money

I’m kind of merging two posts here because I didn’t think either could stand on it’s own, don’t worry, I intend to ruffle some feathers for the weekend so this is just me thinking about universal basic income (UBI) and why there aren’t more posts in the penthouse or basement.

UBI is the idea that instead of/in addition to welfare payments in various form, people are given a flat income which they can use for any purpose and would hopefully go back in the economy.  This has many forms including a citizens dividend (already in place in Alaska) or a payment only to those below a certain threshold of income or assets.  I have no thoughts about how this should be implemented since it would require some trial and error but I will tell you one thing: it is coming.

Whether Trump or Hillary gets elected is immaterial to if UBI will happen but I think if Hillary gets elected it this is going to happen within her second term (as if she gets elected now the second term is a lock because of her “fuckery,” to quote fly.)  This is because truck drivers are one of the biggest sources of employment for the USA and those jobs will go away fairly soon with automation of driving.  With all those unemployed, something will be needed for Hillary to get her votes, and it will literally be a transfer to the unemployed, hopefully with one of her banker friends getting a fee on each payment card.  Trump, I believe, will try to empower workers to self determinism so it may not be rolled out in his term/s if he gets elected.

Now onto Trump’s Penthouse and Barry’s Basement.  I thought there would be more posting activity here.  I don’t want to bury any others posts but I don’t know, I’m trying to limit posts to once a day but with these blogs being temporary until election day, there are some things I want to try to get out.  I was thinking about posting twice a day but now it’s obvious once a day will be way more than enough.  I’m glad to be here I never thought 100 random people, at least, would be interested in anything I had to say.  So let me know if there’s anything specific I could post about from the POV of a liberal Trump voter.

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Memes Won the Primaries, and They May Push the Election to Clinton

I thought hard and long (extra pun) on when to post this, because I want it to be visible for a while.  This is important stuff that people, especially Hillary supporters, need to know in order to see what is actually happening with respect to this “rigged” election.

First off, the election isn’t rigged.  It’s being controlled by what famous atheist Richard Dawkins coined as “memes.”  Memes, as they were coined, allude to the ways ideas go through the population.  By definition things like democracy in the late 18th century was a meme due to the seemingly spontaneous outbreak in the US and western Europe.  This is important because HRC used memes to defeat Bernie Sanders in the Primary and Trump defeated his primary opponents with memes.

Let’s start with the fun way that Trump won his primary: by using the “alt-right” momentum generated to get the youth out to vote in his favor.  Googling “Trump memes 4chan” gives myriad interesting results.

skrillex trumpwall truamp strump

These literal memes got young internet users, especially on 4chan /pol/ and reddit The_Donald to come out and vote in the republican primaries because they saw Trump as somebody who was different from the status quo other candidates and might have more of their interests in mind with respect to the declining middle class than Rubio or Bush.

HRC used more insidious tactics meme-wise to defeat Bernie.  The media ran with the memes and created the engine that destroyed Bernie.  Some of these such as “Bernie lost in the early South primaries therefore he’s unelectable.”  “Bernie is too left leaning to be electable.” and the famous Wikileaks based “Bernie may be an atheist.”  These memes helped destroy Bernie when he was probably the more popular Democrat.

Now Hillary is trying her hardest to meme Trump out of existence.  “Trump is losing big in polls” (Too heavy with democrat leaning voters to be that far out of wack.) “Trump is racist and sexist” (Very few verifiable actions confirm this and it is overly pushed by the media.)  “Trump may start a nuclear war” (WTF.)  Stuff like this may well turn the election into a Hillary win.

And when the economy continues to sputter and real income continues to fall if HRC gets elected, I want anybody who fell for the memes to remember this.  Hillary, the media, the DNC are masters of memes and if people continue to fall for it, the US will be a much weaker nation in four years under her.

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Postin’ About How I Feel About the Millennial Economy


And how it doesn’t exist.  I was gonna do some BS post about how it’s morning and post a photo of that bear from Kayne’s album a while back but it seems like people are serious about the goals of Trump’s Penthouse.

I’m watching tv right now and there is some bullshit about how the election won’t be “rigged” (It has already been due to the one sidedness of media coverage) and how the accusations of Trump are of more importance than that.  If this wasn’t a conservative leaning website I would cover more on how the RNC has spent $0 on Trump ads as opposed to tens of millions in every election recently but I don’t need to.

So let’s talk about how the millennial economy is a pile of garbage and will actually never recover and I’ll be using anecdotal evidence here so if that’s not your thing, old man, go fuck off back to early morning slots at your local breakfast joint.  I had 10 people excluding me and the wife in my wedding party.  9 would qualify as millennials but the other one is an accountant for completeness.  Of the other 9 that are important to what I’m saying, three are teachers, one is a business woman, one is in the old folks home helping old folks (when she studied business), one is an accountant, one is studying to be a doctor, one is a political consultant, and one is an actuary.

I have pretty smart friends but it is obvious to see that teaching is over-represented and, although I didn’t note it, three of the 9 are quite marginally attached to their jobs due to aimlessness in life.  So we have a situation where they represent a microcosm of the millennial economy where you can teach or go to grad school for a profession and nothing else.  Businesses have too many barriers to entry because of the tax code and Obamacare, manufacturing doesn’t exist in the US anymore (more or less), and even things like trucks will be obsolete in 10 years.

Were headed towards a dystopian future at worst and universal basic income at best unless things change.  Trump will bring changes when he’s elected.  They may not be from him but it will force the leaders to listen more instead of trying to use the media as their personal ad campaign.  So vote Trump, old man, because 33% of the economy can’t be teachers and 33% can’t be marginally attached to their jobs and when the camel’s back does break under HRC,

Retirees will be underneath it.

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Allow Myself to Introduce Myself


Hello, my name is Mark and “The Fly,” has allowed me to chillax in the penthouse, I think, depending on where this post posts to.

I am the poster child for the type of person Trump needs to get in order to win the election.  I voted for Barack “Barry” Obama in 2012 on the back of the ability to jam the ACA through Congress and provide an antithesis to the evangelical clowns in the House of Representatives.  Everything was pretty honky dory at that point in my opinion.  I was trying my hand at day trading after not finding too much luck in getting a normal job due to a less than stellar college GPA but I was planning on proposing to my wife and I thought I would be a millionaire in short order.

Well trading is difficult and I never made any money doing it.  I worked a bullshit retail job to make ends meet and my second career after quitting those was a tutor/financial advisor.  Now I find myself not being a fan of “sales” and since my wife works 50 hoursish a week I find myself looking for a more consistent career.  I am an analyst, not a salesman.

Getting back to Trump, it turns out the amount of jobs in anything STEM or analytics is far outstripped by job seekers.  And it seems like NAFTA and illegal immigration from Mexico are the one-two punch that is destroying the middle class.  Obamacare was/is a joke and the recovery is a sham.  I will be voting for Trump because he is different, but I would gladly vote for a unifying liberal Democrat if one existed.  Hillary Clinton is no liberal, she is a leftist-a cancer on any kind of hard working society and anybody with a brain can see this.

I will try to post about tying my liberal beliefs to what I hope is a future with Trump as a Republican President.  I am not big on long posts but I will try to post often and, if not, at least once every two days.  I look forward to sharing my beliefs and hopefully contributing in a meaningful way to iBC.

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