Joined Feb 3, 2009
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JAPAN 2.0 ?

Recently there has been hot debate over the topic of America having a lost decade similar to Japan.

Most news and media outlets will steer you away from that premise, but the Market Oracle has presented a writer who makes a very compelling case.

This is a very important article for your long term outlook.

Here are a few excerpts:

“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over, expecting a different result. Are the politicians running this country insane, unintelligent, or just so corrupt that special interests outweigh the interests of the American people? The current pork laden stimulus package will lead to a rerun of Japan’s lost decade, with one vast difference. Our lost decade will terminate in a hyperinflationary collapse.”

“The events and actions by government that led to Japan’s lost decades are eerily similar to what is happening in the U.S. today.”

“The scary part of the Japanese experience is that their government did not sit by idly. They used all the tools at their disposal and made the conditions much worse. Government actions caused the crisis and then exasperated the situation. Are you getting the picture?”

” * The Japanese government has prolonged their downturn for an additional decade by not allowing bankrupt banks and corporations to liquidate. Zombie banks and corporations existed for decades without writing off the billions of bad debts. They hoarded all of the money provided by the government. Sound familiar?
* The Japanese tried every trick in the Keynesian playbook. Zero interest rates, public works projects tax rebates and tax decreases. The government built thousands of bridges and roads, driving up government debt to enormous levels. Between 1990 and 2000, the Japanese government instituted 10 fiscal stimulus programs totaling $1 trillion. None of these programs worked. Sound familiar?”

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  1. shazbot

    Excellent posts, just finished up reading. You gotta get a tab on the main page.

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  2. Phil_from_Brazil

    I’m gonna have to read this tomorrow.
    EXCELENTEEEE, my friend.

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    Thank you guys….

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