Who Is Most Excited About Bitcoin?


Q: Who is most excited about Bitcoin?

A: The hackers.


An entirely electronic currency with exclusively identified parts? That is a hacker’s dream come true. I can’t wait to read about Anonymous claiming to have stolen millions in bitcoin monies because some of the mining computers which are always on and always connected to the internet weren’t as protected as need be and Anonymous decided to claim all their mining production. Honestly, hackers may kill Bitcoin before the government does.



3 Responses to “Who Is Most Excited About Bitcoin?”

  1. a scam built totally for the internets.

  2. prick santelli just had on the dude that,roflmao, has just,”founded” the first bitcoin atm.i wanna know what cums out of the machine……………..rubbers and lube…. there is no phyzz bit coin.dumb fuchs everywhere.

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