The Fly vs iBC


So here we are after 2 days worth of a bounce, with a very interesting situation at iBC.

The Fly is swearing on a continued bounce, and putting his money where his mouth is, fully vested in rather high beta names, looking to take full advantage of said continued upside should it happen.

On the other hand, ChessNWine and RaginCajun, his two right hand men, are both much more cautious, with a little bit of long exposure at most and quick on the trigger should the market sour again. Further, his top analysts Cain and Scotty Bleier are outright bearish, looking for what can be accurately described as the complete opposite from The Flizzle. Yes, an interesting situation indeed.

Will the market reward Fly’s risk with gentlemanly gains, providing the king with an opportunity to don top hat and cane, smoke cigars from caribbean lands and drink only the finest smashed grapes? Or will the market smash Fly’s grapes, and prove his companions correct?




(Please do not misconstrue this as if I think the Fly is really battling iBC. Fly loves iBC, and iBC loves Fly)

3 Responses to “The Fly vs iBC”

  1. I wish to use the element of fire against you.


    You can use it against me fly. My hershey highway is always in need of a real bull.

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