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Yearly Archives: 2014

Stealth Bright Spots

The following is just a small excerpt from my latest Weekly Strategy Session (please click on that hyperlink for details about trying it out). which I published for members and 12631 subscribers this past Sunday. 

…on the other side of the tape, select restaurant stocks have been notable outperformers to the upside.

DFRG KONA are two hidden gems of sorts, both exuding impressive relative strength not just to their peers but to the market at-large.

With this in mind, two other impressive restaurant stocks which may setting up to follow DFRG KONA higher are: BLMN FRGI. You can see the latter two sporting basing patterns on their respective daily charts. They are long ideas on further strength, especially if the broad market cooperates via a rally which holds. 

Please click here to continue reading

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Night Owl Open Forum


For you night owls out there, consider the parabolic quarterly chart for Union Pacific, the world’s largest publicly-traded rail.

The chart bears a striking resemblance to DDD a few months back, when that stock was parabolic too.

Do you agree? What say you? Easy short into the summer? Or more strength coming?

Speak your mind, night owls. All opinions welcome.



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Late Night Strategy for Wednesday


Keep an eye on TTEK as a long idea over $31, seen on the industrial’s constructive daily chart, first below.

And REIT O is a short idea on weakness, second chart below, with a still-declining 200-day moving average and bear flag breakdown potential.

Drop me your top tickers overnight.





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Stock #Market Recap 03/18/14 {Video}

If you enjoy my blog posts and videos, then I would encourage you to please click on this 12631 hyperlink for more details about joining our great team of traders at a very reasonable price. 12631 is a trading service which @RaginCajun and I direct here at iBankCoin.

Enjoy tonight’s video, and enjoy your evening. 

Direct Vimeo Link Click Here

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They Don’t Pull You Over for Lower Highs Anymore, Do They?


It has been so long since the market has had even a 10% correction that the notion of a major index or sector making a meaningful lower high seems arcane, given all of the V-shaped rallies to new all-time highs.

Call me old-fashioned, or just plain old, but if the financial sector ETF cannot surpass $22.16 then the 30-minute chart below, stretching back several weeks, could easily be putting in a lower higher before another pullback. Of course, how this resolves is key for my Citi short.

Stay tuned for my video market recap after the bell…



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I Love Me Some Strong Chocolate


Left out of the talk in the recent soft commodity rally has been cocoa, at the heart of the emerging trend for fine dark chocolate.

I am long some NIB here, inside 12631, looking for the weekly chart breakout to push higher yet with price holding above well-defined resistance.

Like most of the softs, this one is thinly-traded and volatile. But the action in recent weeks has clearly favored bulls. The consolidations have thus far been tame. So, I am taking my shot at a secondary breakout now.




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