A Day


6a: alarm goes off, cursed from another life to be awake already

605a: coffee water heating, cat meowing, me ignoring. it’s raining, stupid fucking cat, why’d you go out to begin with? oh that’s right, i threw you outside before it started raining. my bad.

610a: coffee done, life better. those keurigs are way overrated.

630a: thechild and wife kissed, out the door. not sure they are really awake, but i am moving on. head down, reading email.

640a: on the bus. still amazed after five years that folks in suits take the bus, but hey, more suits here than i will see all day. who am i to argue? head down, reading email.

645a: “grande bold, please.” why are you giving me 90c change? stupid shop, i am keeping it. 30c, 40c, or 70c its yours. but 90c? now i have 90c jingling in my pocket. shit.

655a: on train, head down, reading email.

730a: head up, walking through crowd. trying not to walk into open train rail.

745a: shit, lotto, left my umbrella at home, pouring rain like a tropical rain forest, have 1 1/2 blocks to go to the hall in times center. head down, reading email.

755a: no fucking way i am walking into an analyst day like this, ducked into an appleby’s for the first time since holland for a “coffee.” head down, reading news.

815a: dry enough, moving on.

830a: blah blah blah…i worried about looking like a sponge for this? how are futures looking? …ok, better…stupid hpq…why didn’t i short it?

920a: boy do i have to pee..how are futures…oh yeah, closed…WHOA! look at tsl! will this guy ever stop talking? wait – who is he again?

945a: knocked the piper dude’s coffee over with my shaking knee…sorry…gotta pee…how’s dell? meh…

10a: i’m first! get outta my way, old man, or else you’re getting wet!

1030a: how’s wfr? oh shit, that ain’t good. wnr? no better. man, this market sucks. must be time to short.

1130a: oh yeah, i am at analyst day for company xxx – how is its stock doing? ewww. let’s not look at that, clearly not a good analyst day.

1230p: hey bob, how ya doin’, let’s grab lunch, this market sucks.

3p: whoa, you grabbin’ that bill, ’cause those beers are all totally your fault.

4p: ok, my fault, i’ll take half. no, i insist. ok, thanks.

5p: on the train, head down, reading email.

530p: off the train, in line – again – with more suits than i have seen all day. head down, reading email.

540p: done reading email,  i look up. hardly anyone on the bus. i look outside and there is more green and other colors than i have seen all day.

550p: good to be home, i love my family.

8 Responses to “A Day”

  1. discoordinated

    liked it

  2. Hell of a day.Were all like gerbils running the wheel. You do a good job writing in your posts..

  3. Cute

  4. arizonaborderguard

    1/4 of your day commuting. ouch.

    • Analyst Bomber

      sort of – lots of reading goes on and that is just as easily done ‘commuting’ as at any other time. the amount of real ‘action’ that occurs is minimal while the prep is extensive.

  5. Joycean!


  6. Brilliant. Every blogger should do one of these.

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