Dude, where’s my fish?


Sensationalising news is nothing new. Fox News arguably started the whole thing – or at least made it “acceptable” – and the rest of “news” ran with it. Sell-siders are right there with them and lately, solar sell-siders have been busy pitching made up news with the best of them. It is all quite comical, actually.

The worst of the worst in the solar lot is Gordon Johnson from this thing called Axiom. He is pure entertainment. He grabs on to nuggets of news or even presumed nuggets of news and runs back to his keyboard to tell the world how the sky is falling. I envision an alley cat dragging a half rotten fish out of the trash and then howling all night long about how great it is, Garfield-style.

A little background on Herr Johnson. He was given the boot from Barclays (then Lehman) Tim Luke’s semi team for plagiarism. True story.

Anyway, it appears Gordo has competition.

The other day, an argument was made trying to discount this whole solar oversupply argument. God Bless, go get ’em big guy. But then, not two days later, this dude Wayne Chang from Brean, Murray and Caret pops off with the same argument. It is a rather obscure argument, so it seems a little strange.

Methinks there will be a catfight at the next solar conference.

One Response to “Dude, where’s my fish?”

  1. Is that the G Johnson who was fired twice before for being a lousy anal-yst? 🙂 Where is Axiom located, Abbottabad ?!

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