Joined Jan 1, 1970
509 Blog Posts

The Death of Capitalism

Don’t let anyone fool you. Capitalism is dead now. Socialism, here we come.

There are events in history that are game changers, that shape the future. This whole fiasco/contagion/disaster is one of them. People just don’t have the stomach for this capitalist shit anymore.

Whether or not you like Dick Fuld, or the fact that he made over $400 million in three years from a company he ran into the ground, if you’re a capitalist, you just have to just shrug your shoulders and say, “that’s capitalism”.

All these bullshit Senators asking him if it was “fair” that he made all that money is totally inappropriate and bullshit. Yeah, keep promoting that class warfare shit.

Guess what? Life isn’t fair asshats. Get over it. The guy made his millions. That’s capitalism.

However, we are now on the road to socialism, if you care to ask. It’s pretty evident in the voices of our elected officials. And the people now want more regulation and much, much more of it a la socialism. It’s just not fair that people like Dick Fuld make that kind of money, right? Get ready for a whole new global system of government and regulation. It’s been coming for a long time. 

Yes, gone are the days…….

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