Joined Jan 1, 1970
509 Blog Posts

Biotech Dy-No-Mite

Thanks to the Cajun for bringing up this most risky of all sectors. Not only is this stuff hard to analyze, there’s also the R&D expenses that incinerate money and the wonderful FDA to kiss up to.

But, everyone loves stocks that go up. Take note that the Naz index is full of these things.

[[BBH]], and [[XBI]] are simple solutions.

Also, there are a shitload of these stocks showing up on my shopping list. Keep in mind that these are also candidates for “adventures in fuckery”……….

[[ABI]], [[ACOR]], [[ALNY]], [[ALTH]], [[ALXN]], [[AMRI]], [[CELG]], [[CEPH]], [[CGRB]], [[CPHD]], [[CRL]], [[DNA]], [[ENZ]], [[EXAC]], [[FOLD]], [[GENZ]], [[GHDX]], [[GILD]], [[HALO]], [[IDIX]], [[IMMU]], [[LSR]], [[MDCO]], [[MNTA]], [[MYGN]], [[NABI]], [[NUVA]], [[ONXX]], [[OSIP]], [[OSIR]], [[RTIX]], [[SQNM]], [[SVNT]], [[TRCA]].

Disclaimer: buying these kinds of stocks is like putting sticks of dynamite in your George Foreman grill. Trade at your own risk.

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