Free Markets


Continuing with my previous macro post, that I’m quite sure no one cares about. I would like to continue with what I believe to be WW3. I mean to say that world governments have embarked on a war against free markets. This is a war that began decades ago and is soon to reach a pinnacle.

Free markets would see a dramatic wealth transfer from the developed world that produces little, to the emerging world that produces plenty. Wages that are to high in the US, would fall. While wages that are to low in China, would rise. Free markets would do a lot of scary shit, yet world governments are more then happy interfering. Creating a false sense of security on the surface, while creating unintended instability beneath.

It’s all a complete joke. The more I think about it, the more I want to train for the UFC, so I may defend myself when the world falls apart. The more I think about it, I need guns. Lots of guns.

The only bright side to this story, is in the fact that if you think rationally you can make a shitload of money, that is before the world blows up. Free markets will prevail, it’s only a matter of time. The only question is what battles will world governments lose first?

I would like to say, the EU. The only problem, is it seems to me the chance to make significant money has already been passed. Possibly, buying equities AFTER a EU breakup may prove rewarding(Senior debt would be the safer bet). After all, if the EU were to breakup(seems an inevitability to me) I’m quite sure they would be individually printing money to bail out everything.(Nationalization may throw a wrench in this otherwise glorious plan)

I believe China is absolutely fucked. However, I’m going to completely skip talking about them. Long term, they will be okay. Short term, it doesn’t look good.

In my eyes, Japan will soon lose the battle against free market forces. They have a serious debt problem and there are only three ways out of debt. Tax more, spend less or print money (Forget about growing, it doesn’t happen). Every single road leads to one thing, a lower Yen. I can’t help but laugh at the recent Japanese intervention. What a joke.

FYI, I still have my RY short. Also if you’re a fan of Nassim Nicholas Taleb, I recommend reading this.

4 Responses to “Free Markets”

  1. yer going pretty dark on the world here…

    and it is too, that is too, not to – much!

    not that i am a spelling pro or anything, lol…

    so you are saying park my money in a ford, that comes with a bucket of gold coins and guns in it? i am going to have to drive down to waco texas to see if they have one for sale on a truck lot somewhere near to the moron ranch… the moron ranch is where gw bush retired to.. he called it something else, but i have it close enough..

    i would say you are becoming down right red neck and the next thing i will know you are voting for harper next election! funny how things change hey?

    • I sound pessimistic, I know. Yet, I believe I’m being quite reasonable. I also believe I’m being more of a realist then pessimist.

      Maybe everything will work out, but are we truly that arrogant to think we won’t make the same mistakes as our ancestors?

  2. your first sentence rings the truest. Ditch the faux-Fly act.

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