Some Off-Kilter Sunday Thoughts


Before I talk about the Japanese going full Kurosawa on economic stimulus, I want to address some off kilter Sunday happenings.

1.  There is a hypothesis that the Pashtuns are one of the lost tribes of Israel. (History Channel’s “The Bible” is playing in the background). If that was the case, that was a poor place to settle, because they live in one of the poorest, most violent regions in the world, and for the most part hate Jews. It’s a weird world we live in.

2. One of the boards on our back fence rotted at the bottom, and grace was able to push it so that Joe could barely sneak through, the problem was that it worked like a check valve. Grace comes running in with her tail between her legs, so I go outside and hear this horrendous noise, it’s Joe in my neighbor’s yard, trying to get back in and freaking out about it. You’d think they would have learned, but they did not. I leaned a a board and my surfboard up against it, but that wasn’t enough, about 45 minutes later, he was back on the other side and Grace was shaking.

Time to make dinner before “Vikings” starts, and I will be back with a post at midnight with my take on the current Asian Exchange Massacre at midnight EST.

Look at the Asian Indices here.


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