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Tag Archives: Rick Santorum

Jake-rodamus Strikes!


It’s uncanny, isn’t it?  Jakerodamus provides you, just days ago, with predictions– like Rick Santorum coming in a very close second to Romney in Iowa– and poof!, that prediction comes true!   Recall also, that I predicted the same Santorum will come in a more distant, but still surprising, second in New Hampshire.   The rubber match will be South Carolina, which will force some sort of confrontation and quite possibly a mutual detente between those two leaders through the remaining primaries.  

What else did I say?  Oh yeah, something about gold, silver and earl, right?  So far, so good.

I’m probably going to bail on the ERX trade tomorrow, however, as I think we might get one or two more days of “jack” before that thing bangs against that $55 resistance and comes back down to fill that gap at around $47-ish:



I will also shave some NUGT tomorrow, although I think there are still some very good charts out there in the gold and silver, including AG, ANV, BAA, and EXK, and RGLD.  My little coal play, PCX also looks like it has some room to run, stochastically speaking.

To summarize, I am not ready throw the towel in on this grand first day leap, but I’m also playing “tight” right now, and keeping a keen sharp and wizened eye (of the sorcerer, Jakerodamus) on the dollar.  Make no mistake, the dollar will tell our tale here, good or bad.   If the dollar drops below $79.30, or if gold breaks above $1620, I’ll be adding again.

Best to you all.


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Liveblogging the GOP Debate!



So far, the hero is Newt Gingrich.

No, really.  Gingrich just took it to the MSNBC Obama-stooge by refusing to comment on the silly (who cares?) “single mandate vs. no mandate” debate on Obamacare, pointing out that whether or not Romney had such a mandate in his individual state, everyone on the stage was united in declaring Obamacare a disaster.  He then administered the coup de grace by saying that unless Obama got up tomorrow and called for repeal of said Obamanation, he really didn’t give a schiessflappe at all about creating jobs in this country.


Now Michele Bachmann starting a one-upsmanshipper talking about how she’ll end Obamacare in 2012.  Not quite clear on how the heck she’s going to be able to do that, unless she’s for early inauguration or something.


Rick Santorum has zero shot for anything higher up than the Ambassador to Botswana in the next four years, but I have to give him some ups for that answer on the dignity of poverty program reformation.   Too many people have become “throw aways” in this country, thanks to the “I gave at the office” attitude that federal government top down poverty administration allows.


Ron Paul is trying to “set the shiv” by gigging the front runner on some letter he wrote to Hillary 30 years ago.  What a loathsome homunculur move, Dr. Paul.   Newt is right — you asshats have to stop attacking each other and stay on message about how you have to defeat Obama.   Yeah, I know your pride is stung because you feel you aren’t getting enough time.  Get over it.  You are not going to win, you are too odd and too unlikeable.  Get with the program or get gone.   No one’s going to warm to your program if you become the nasty troll on the podium.  No one but the cellar bound 27-year olds living with their mamas, I mean.


Oy, here’s Paul again attacking Perry on perhaps his worst move as Texas gubner — the HPV inoculation mandate.   Thankfully, Paul is so worked up he’s botching the delivery on his little leprechaun rant.   Michele Bachmann’s response — and bringing up the parental rights issue — is far more devastating thanks to it’s “nice girl” delivery.    Perry gets the “half-save” by saying he was looking to “save lives,” and there was an opt-out on the order.  Weak applause ensued, probably his immediate family.

Interestingly, Romney comes in and plays real nice on the vaccine issue.  Probably angling for the Veep spot.


For some reason they are asking Santorum about voting for the Homeland Security Act.   Maybe they felt sorry for him?    Gingrich said they screwed up his plans.   Here comes Paul on the issue, and it’s red meat for him.   If Perry or Romney win the election, I hope they make him the TSA Scold Czar so he can rip that agency a new one daily.

Paul gets a question about FEMA and disaster aid, etc.  He sort of punts (wussily, I think) by saying, bring the troops home from Afghanistan and you can pay for Fema “or whatever.”


Huntsman scores some easy points on the TSA, but then folds into “let’s not lose sight of the bottom line-jobs.”  I admire his straightforwardness, but he is too unctuous by half.  Sorry, I just don’t trust the bugger.


Romney!  Nice points on the immigration issue.  MOST IMPORTANT is the “turn off the magnet” quote.  That’s the amnesty promise.  You cannot start with amnesty, and not have the border secured first.  Because, God love them, that only incents the most ambituious folks to bolt across the border hoping for … the NEXT amnesty.

Newt’s answers are pretty good too, and Santorum’s as well.   You need to keep the incentive for legal immigration in place.   We want immigration, but lets get it right.   Secure the border first, THEN worry about the people who are already here.

Michelle makes an uncharacteristic verbal flub about “ceding sovereignty” — or at least that’s what I think.

Meanwhile, this asshat from Politico is trying to get the Obama camp a scare quote for the Hispanic community by asking about the “11 million already here” over and over.  Sorry pal, no one’s going to talk about marching people back over the border this night.  Some of these MSM fuggers are so lacking in cleverness.


Funny thing is, I was typing and listening and Huntsman was talking but I thought it was Perry.  Didn’t realize how much they sounded alike.

Ron Paul addressing the drug laws and immigration.  LOL.  He’s hitting on all the loopy libertarian issues tonight.   If we had a “healthy economy” we wouldn’t have this worry?  What?

Now he’s talking about the fence keeping people in the country, as if wealthy Americans are going to flee across the Rio Grande with their moneybags on their backs or something.  The man is a mite tetched (sorry Bruce).


Romney and Michelle making good points about the former Congressional promises to cut spending with any tax increases and how Congress has continually lied about that issue, usually by putting off the cuts til “tomorrow” while taking the tax meal today.  Very good point, Michelle.


Huntsman just shot himself in the feet with both barrels by claiming he won’t make any promises about taxation.  I get his answer, but he’s got no standing with the GOP base as Obama’s ambassador to China.  He’s got no “cred” outside maybe Utah, so his refusal to stake out that territory comes off as untrustworthy.   His Afghanistani ad lib was unnecessary and unhelpful as well.   He wants to use Special Forces alone?  You better get more Special Forces, then.


Shockingly, the Politico Obama-stooge is drawing the long knives on Perry again, with his “Military Adventurism” question.   I don’t think that statement hurts Perry, even with Republican base voters, as they’d largely agree after 10 years in the Middle East and Afghanistan.   Maybe he’s trying to set him up with the other people.

Mrs. Gint is commenting that Michelle is not answering the question w. regard to not liking Libyan intervention while liking Iraqi intervention.  Oops, now she is, confirming there was “no vital U.S. interest” in Libya.   True, but then she need to defend our interest in going into Iraq.

Santorum wisely bringing the whole issue back to Obama’s decision to go into Libya.  Also takes a left-handed swipe at Ron Paul and isolationism.   Battle of the Mice.


Oops, now Huntsman is screwing himself to the floor by claiming that “certain people” in the Republican Party are “running away from science.”  I don’t think there’s anything that infuriate Republicans more than making such a condescending statement.   This clown is DONE.  What an asshat.  “I can win?”  Let’s see you get 1% in any primary first, Tan-boy.

Perry hits it on the head by putting the economic point first — that you don’t intentionally destroy the economy by attempting to cater to some unproven “effect” that has not even been remotely shown to be remediable in the first place.

Michelle backs him up by showing the stupidity of going anti-fossil fuel in an economy that is completely and irreplaceably dependent upon them.  Especially w. regard to coal — where we get 50% of our electricity today.  Yes, the stuff that powers electric cars, GreenAsshats.


LOL!  Newt would fire the Bernank!   Fly should love that one.

And, he’s going to sell off Arizona.   Not a completely stupid plan, actually.


Brian Airhead, the other MSNBC commentator, asks Perry about the death penalty and how Texas has executed more people than any other state.  He gets applause upon mentioning the number of executions and nearly has the vapors about it.  What a schmuly.

Perry, of course, rocks that easy pitch out of the park.  He’ll probably palm Brian Airhead a sawbuck after the show.


Ron Paul gets his red meat question with the Federal welfare question.  He objects to welfare MANDATES, not taking care of people.   Oh yeah is he on a roll now.  And he is exactly right.  Gets his best applause line of the night.

Airhead says good night on that note.  Maybe Ron won’t be so cranky next time…

(Yeah, right).


My best to you all.  Please feel free to continue the discussion below….




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