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Tag Archives: Representative Paul Ryan

Presidential Balls, Mr. Romney!

[youtube:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o1yTY2MciOk 450 300]

The Deconstruction.  Note the “Poleaxed Look.”


Most of you who have followed this blog have also registered my laments with regard to the Presidential Politics of 2102.  Like many a conservative who can parse economics and math, I wrung my hands regarding the presidential roster that we were offered this year.  No Mitch Daniels, no Bobby Jindal, and no Paul Ryan.  All were conservatives, and moreover, all intellectual powerhouses that that would have systematically disassembled the Obama Mistake with devastating power and cool analysis.  Instead we got baggage laden prospects like Newt Gingrich and Herman Cain, or worse, one trick social conservative ponies like Rick Santorum and Michelle Bachmann.   I ventured close to despair in realizing that the only legitimate prospect my party entertained was a Northeast Governor who had established a progenitor for Obamacare.

But I must say I took some heart in the vigor with with Romney, when finally bestowed with the nomination, took on the Obama record. While holding back on the big guns that might train on the President’s character and past, Romney has attempted to make this election about the President’s record as President, which has been singularly abysmal.

And then he shocked me again.  By choosing Paul Ryan as his running mate — a Kennedyesque Catholic out of Janesville, Wisconsin — instead of the safer Rubio (Hispanic Floridian), Portman (Swingstate Ohian middle roader), or Nikki Haley (female Indian Governor of South Carolina) , Romney has essentially thrown the gauntlet down.  With this pick , Romney has said to conservatives “No, really, this is about the fiscal future of this country.”   On the other hand, he has said to liberals and Obamanites, “Your way is not sustainable, and I’ve hired the one man who will tear your fantasy world to shreds.” (See above for further analysis).

I could not be more pleased.  Mr. Romney has drafted, essentially,  the anti-Obama.  The young man whom seniors trust, despite his very adult analysis of Medicare, because he knows what that program needs to do to remain solvent.  Romney has drafted man who will have a serious conversation that will send the demagogues sprinting for the exits.  Vice Presidential debates?  Are you familiar with the term “flensing?”  I can’t think of a more appropriate metaphor.

The smartest man in Congress is now in the hunt.  The Republic is in the balance.  Let the contest begin.

Gold looking good, stay the course with those ETF’s I mentioned last week.


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