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Leading the Charge


The broad market bounce is picking up a bit of steam this afternoon, as leaders such as PCLN TSLA are distinguishing themselves even from their marquee peers.

To be sure, a strong close and follow-through tomorrow would be ideal for bulls, cementing a short-term trap of “hole-snorters.”

As I noted earlier, I am out of my TZA long and back to cash, stalking new setups.

I suspect in this final hour I will have a better idea how we are looking into tomorrow. Still, buyers have to show a bit more conviction for me to believe we are off the races again.

Closes over $1,293 on Priceline and $245 on Tesla would be excellent steps for bulls.





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  1. i Bergamot

    FYI, You picked a picture of “Mother Motherland” (loose translation) from Russia. The place where it stands is really spooky. That thing is 20-stories high (no kidding) and outright scary at night.

    It commemorates the battle of Stalingrad in 1942, which russians won, but casualties where in millions!

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