Current Events


So, we have a video out of this bitch praising Obama over his fucking Obamaphone.  Well, it’s all bullshit!  The fucking program has been around since the days of dubya in its current form.  So we can still blame Bush!!!  Fucker can’t catch a break…  What fucking irks me about this particular story is not the idea of the program, even though it is complete and utter bullshit, no, what irks señor drunk, is the fact that there are millions more people in this god forsaken land that feel the same way this vagrant does!  Obama is God, Obama got me my fucking phone!!  No he didn’t bitch!  Bush did!!  The ingnorance in this country is beyond comprehension.  In sum, WE ARE FUCKED!

2 Responses to “Current Events”

  1. i could say a lot of things here on the subject , but it’s proof positive now that this race to the white house is all about black and white. how can anyone not see it. the blacks see it. just look at the way that cunt is behaving. christ,people need to wake the fuck up you think for one fucking minute,that the black community gives two flying fucks about being,”politically correct”. roflmfao. why do the whites think they have to be.they always scream for respect,especially by “the whitey”. and then show a complete lack of respect for themselves. albert shweitzer was absolutely right in his 1956 speech. this country is fucked.

  2. The double standard is sickening. Whites have to treat minorities with kid gloves, meanwhile roving mobs of black teen girls walk up to 48 year old women sitting on their front porch minding their own fucking business, and beat the fuck out of them for no reason. Fucking Animals

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