Tax Evaders Beware! Money’s Getting Harder To Hide : NPR


The amount of money stashed in offshore tax havens is staggering. A recent report from The Tax Justice Network estimates it’s as much as $31 trillion worldwide — and that’s just an educated guess.

via Tax Evaders Beware! Money’s Getting Harder To Hide : NPR.

2 Responses to “Tax Evaders Beware! Money’s Getting Harder To Hide : NPR”

  1. Sur Platonic Platueu Du Tecnocrats, B.R.A., D.J.D. upon Rookness.

    I’d just like a birth certificate that’s not heavily edited.

    At least one name change.

    Is it 2 or 3 dads?

    Why does no one at Columbia know who the hell HOBOama is?

    Was he in a Presidential, independent Columbia program where none of the 300+ poly sci. majors witnessed his attendance?

    That’s all.

  2. Mr. Cain Thaler

    I doubt significantly there are $31 trillion dollars stashed offshore. Probably $31 Trillion in assets. But hey, you don’t tax assets, only income anyway.

    The US needs to butt out of overseas transactions. What’s the moral justification for taxing me in business I do in China?

    Tax the revenue one time, when it comes into the country.

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