Yen Partying Like it’s 1999


I sold CNQ because it’s a piece. Was only a nibble so it didn’t matter too much, decided to just divert my energies elsewhere.

INDU found res 14670, with high 14683.90 (pretty close) as targeted in advance.

Double bottom on ES weekly s1. Overnight bear raid possible, but the tide does seem to be going out now. I don’t feel the same confidence in my thesis of “getting drunk” (figurative) and buying “stocks” (futures) every damn night. That’s probably because that move was INCREDIBLE, and I was simply adapting to the conditions. Then the consolidation market attempted to make me forget all that.

The room is colder. The light is dimmer. The ninjas are in larger amounts, and deal more damage. There are less lives.

I’m going to make more money than reasonably deemed conceivable.

The theme just continues. Aside from my bread n butter, 2013 is the “Rise of the Samurai”, and USDJPY is going to 100, then 104. Daily s2’s on USDJPY are the most valuable spots on the time/space continuum imaginable. Gee, maybe I should start posting them. Still use stops.


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