SKULnation Civil War



Skullcandy has been in a war with itself and the rebel short sellers almost took over the nation with their corrupt ideology! But The government has finally halted their attacks, and started to push them back while taking strategic footholds they need, the $16 level.

With relentless assaults attacking the once great SKULnation, many investors have lost faith, but now the tables are starting to turn; faith and believers are starting to look at this great nation once again, and most importantly, they are buying with strong volume. Remember, shorting faith is hard, just look at our recently rally on QE hopes, it doesn’t work.


How many shares that are short SKUL.


Not sure if this info is reliable but it looks like it’s from except they paid for the premium content, and was nice enough to post it for all; LINK.


There are still many short-sellers out there, but if we band together, they shall cry.

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