Joined Jan 1, 1970
1,010 Blog Posts

The Race Is On

I like to watch stocks in pairs to see which one will print a certain number first.

For example: Which stock will print 29 first   [[BAC]] or [[LEH]]

39 first  [[MER]] or [[JPM]]

30 first  [[CSCO]] or [[MSFT]]

20 first  [[PFE]]  or [[SBUX]]

There is some sick voice in my head telling me to buy [[SBUX]].  It keeps telling me this piece of shit is going to $20 real soon. HELP!


[youtube:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i5IvCZO9s-A 450 300]

I wonder what Fly was doing at 7 years old…I have visions of him scouring Fortune and Forbes at 700 words a minute begging his Mom and Dad to buy him 100 shares of Eastman Kodak.

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Just Do It!

Somehow the destruction of Wall Street and the Financials doesn’t seem like a good thing to me… no matter how short you are.  Everything is just to connected for this to be a good outcome.

I bought some [[DUG]] today figuring there will be some major rotation in the next couple of weeks as the Banks continue to shit themselves.

My feel good stock is [[NKE]]…   1. I absolutely love their products. 2. Kobe is going to put on show and with the Oyli’s coming up right after– it should give it some good momentum.  3. I don’t have a 3.

I can’t believe the precision with which this site nailed [[LEH]].  Booyah!

Underwear Goes Inside the Pants
[youtube:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gKpfnfDTNSI&feature=related 450 300]

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Where Am I?

Man what a morning…. I go to bed last night June 1st in 3rd place ….and I wake up King of the PG. Fly gave me the keys– hell I even heard from Bilderberg– he now has a lien on my family my house and my bullshit 2007 Taurus.

Fuck it– who cares if I made it here in an egregious Gunneresque fashion… I’m here baby…and let me tell you the locker room is very plush …very crassy indeed. Although I’m kind of weirded out that Fly just sits in front of his locker with headsphones on chewing sunflower seeds all day long. Odd No!

As far as banking coin goes, good luck fuckers!

I jumped in with the Cajun and bought some [[GRMN]] I think this baby is ready for a little run. Plus I like hearing Min Kao say “Newie Phone”

I’ve been seeing these FAIL pictures for awhile…I’m sure we can mesh this into IBC with some charts.

Click here: The Fail Website

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Auto-Pilot Engaged

Due to my sweet, sweet vacation on Topsail Island (NC), I will have limited access to the markets this coming week.  Therefore, most open positions are getting a trailing stop.  The ones that are not may get some sort of protective orders eventually, but they’re all ‘small’ positions, so even a 100% loss in the position will only equal my ‘max. allowed loss’ on the account (2%).

Here be my open positions:

May has been a decent month for me; currently up about 8.5%.  YTD, I’m up a massive 79%, thanks mostly to an amazing March (+32%).  Power to the options!

Hope you all enjoyed my ramblings on this page for the last few weeks.  I might post a few sporadic thoughts/pictures/reports during this last week of May, but probably nothing too heavy or even stock related… 

Sorry to end my 2nd tenure as ‘King’ on such a ‘whimper’…but the Eastern Seaboard is calling!  Holla!

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Summary – Friday, 2008.V.23.

That big list of bullish ideas did me no good as there was no big rally in honor of Memorial Day.  No reason to fret, though, as the account for mostly bearish and thus showed a nice 2% gain on the day. 

Closed out a few straddles and started a couple new bearish positions, but mostly sat idle to bring my last ‘full’ trading day of May to a close.  I will be putting the account on ‘auto-pilot’ for the open positions, but more on that later…

DP Sells:

  • Faked out in both [[GME]] & [[SOLF]] calls.
    • GME dropped like a rock at the open and thus my calls hit their stop.  Booked a small gain on this earnings strangle.
    • SOLF also spiked down, so I cut my losses and sold out of the call-leg, only to see the stock reverse for a 10% gain.  Suffered a decent loss in this earnings straddle, mostly due to my own mismanagement…sold both legs at exactly the wrong times.
  • Closed out [[VMW]] straddle by selling the puts at the close.  VMW was recovering nicely at the close, so I wanted to take my profits.

DP Buys:

  • Limit orders filled for [[ILMN]] & [[SWN]] puts.

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