Joined Jan 1, 1970
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Bank Earnin’s

GS Bond Traders Stylin' Profilin'

Back in the day, banks were in the business of providing loans and other forms of financing to the “small people” and businesses alike.  Not no more.  No, today these banks are nothing more than huge hedge funds with unreal jack at their disposal.  Is it any coincidence that bank earnings were going through the roof once we hit the March 2009 low until now?  

For the short attention span crowd, go back and see what this here market went and done in 2Q.  Hint, it ain’t purty.  But to spell this shit out, the $SPX dropped 12% in that time period.  So why the fuck would you expect the “bank” earnings to continue their moonshot trajectory?  Sure they probably banked some coin on the downside but I doubt they timed this shit perfectly.  They earnins ain’t too bad, but also not good nuff to propel this shit ass market higher so far. 

Don’t forget that Po Pimp told you to be careful out there a couple of days ago.  You wuz warned.  

Keep it real, son.

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  1. The Fly

    You call yourself a King?

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    • Po Pimp

      My sincere apologies for horrible performance. Unfortunately until my accounts get a few more zeros added to them I kind of need my real job. The last couple of weeks have been an absolute mess to say the least.

      With only two days left in the month just go ahead and switch over to the new guy. Shit’s not getting any better on this end anytime soon.

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