Joined Jan 1, 1970
1,010 Blog Posts

Morning Note

Bifurcation, growth recession, are some of the ideas I have posed to you internet leaches…

Durable goods points to these ideas as viable scenarios for our circumstance. .8% vs. -0.3% is a big deal, but only because OF A WEAK DOLLAR AND THE FACT WE ARE AT WAR.

Make no mistake, bifurcation in the economy and a growth recession were something of the past.

Just because companies beat lowered expectations, your government mucks around with unemployment and CPI data does not mean that everything is rosy.

Pack rats who buy what they not need while extending themselves on usury plastic cards given out by criminals who have brought this country to its knees is not a situation to celebrate.

I suppose we should be happy that blue collar workers have the choice of working at SBUX or WMT. Should we celebrate that minimum wage (slave wages) is now $6.65 an hour….I make $6.65 a second and have not much to worry about, but rising currency debasement (inflation.), job loss, and relying on the world for 74% of our goods while the greenback is in a precarious position does not bode Goldilocks to me any more.

Maybe we should be happy that municipalities, student loans, and institutions are getting a fraction of the monies needed to conduct business.

Perhaps we should hold a block fair to sell all the unneeded crap we accumulate to pay for your heating bills this winter. Be careful Uncle Sam will need a piece of the money you raise for FRE and FNM.

Excuse me for the rant, but you should be cautious in the market place. If The PPT does exist with far reaching powers than the stock market is no longer a forward looking indicator.

Ask yourself one question: Why has some of the wealthiest people along with your vice president converted their entire net worth into foreign currency, real estate, and foreign blue chips? 

It won’t be alright until the people take back what was stolen from them.

[youtube:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=87yq372R4Ts 450 300]


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