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Tag Archives: TCK

Giants and Bears Packed Off

Grossman Screwed
And Yes, Rex Grossman Was Screwed, Too

Didn’t take long for the first of my semi-facetious predictions to fail did it?  Well it did, and my Giants, despite winning today over a semi-revitalied Rex Grossman-led Redskin team, were drubbed out of the playoffs by the Green Bay Fudge Packers, who beat them this week and dah Bears (see above) today.

There’s nothing like just missing the playoffs to make for the worst of all possible worlds.   Despite a 10-6 record, my team will be on the sofa next weekend, and — adding insult to injury — will likely keep the Angry Leprechaun, Tom Coughlin and his offensive (in the literal sense) coordinator, Captain Kangaroo Kevin Gilbride in the driver’s seat for at least another year.   The final coup de grace — we’ll get a crappy “playoff level” draft pick because there will be playoff teams that have worse records picking behind us. 

I guess I will become a Jet fan for the few short weeks for it to take them to snuffed out by Eli’s older brother or some similar such ignonimy.  Gosh knows there’s no one in the NFC honorable enough to root for, and I am beginning to really despise the Packers, I’ll have you know.

But never as much as Dawg Killah and the Eagles, no fear.


As for me, I ended the year up a gigantaload.  So much so, compared to year end 2009, that you’d probably not even believe me, so I won’t boast about it.  Suffice it to say that I was still piling on win in huge amounts even on the last day of the year, despite being about 40% hedged and having about 30% in cash.   Ironically, my largest single gain on December 31st was Monsieur’s FTK, which I do believe I shall keep for a while, ovah heah.

I also believe AVL — the old Avalon Metals now on the Amex Exchange — will continue to shine it’s bizarre functional-if-rare metallic lights on my precious laden portfolio.   I will have more to say on the rare earths as we move forward– I am digging diligently as you read this…

Without question silver will continue to shine, and SLW, PAAS, SSRI, MVG, SVM, CDE, HL, and yes EXK will continue to shine.   I will let you know when I will begin piling in on a leveraged basis soon enough.  I think the dollar remains on the edge of the knife (it is rallying as I type this), but until it breaks, I will remain positioned as I am.

We will also look into the ags, and I think it is time to re-recognize the farmer Jacksonians — ANDE and MON again, as strong picks going forward.  TC and TCK, the molybdenum brothers, should also perform here.

I haven’t posted the Jacksons as of late, but if you were to have held them since this blog’s inception (May 1st, 2009), you’d be up 125% right now, and that’s with a negative return on both MON and TBT, both of which I urge you to continue to accumulate this year.  

Stick with me kid, we are going places in 2011….

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SnowBowlus Interruptus

[youtube:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P3QYLJ8zH5E&feature=related 450 300]


In certain Northern Mid-Western climes, the citizens have become so mushily liberal that — in their overwhelming compassion –they have confined their hapless professional football teams to a regulated indoor environment.

As a result, no one in these left-leaning regions need suffer for their gridiron art in the fashion of Lombardi, Hornung, Robestelli, and other Hall of Fame stalwarts of the past.   Come game time, both players and fans can loll about at room temperature, consuming multiple jumbo franks and 64 oz. Mountain Dews without fear of nippy nose or chilly tootsies.   

Real tough guy stuff, no?    You’ll find it no wonder, then, that these teams haven’t won a Superbowl in… well…


I bring this up in order to levy well deserved shit to Chief Admin Jeremiah and his wussified, faggot-assed (not that there’s anything wrong with that) Minneapolis Metrodome Vikings.

I mean, if you are going to be pussified about going to see a game in the weather — despite your arguably holding a home field competitive advantage (see “Packers, Green Bay“) —  then by all means build youself a cozy indoor stadium so you can spare yourself the chilblains on your vanilla layers of Midwest portly.   

But do us all a favor, eh, Minnesota?  Please get yourselves some architectural engineers that will factor in the possibility of snow accumulating on the roof, eh?  You know, just in case it gets warm enough to do so every now and then?

Thanks so much.   Your friends,

The N.Y. Giant Fans With Three Superbowl Trophies and, Not Coincidentally, an Open Air Stadium


It looks as if The Bernank (sic) and his antics will continue on, at least for the beginning of options week here.   Like a good neighbor, I will be reducing my positions again, trimming here, trimming there and braiding the remains for a nice Christmas streudel rope to be given out to wassailers and other visiting Folk o’ the Yule.

I will probably get rid of the last remnants of my IAG calls, which have been less than satisfactory these last few weeks.  I will likely retain the underlying stock, however, and only be trimming my outsize positions (ANV, SLW, EXK, GDX) to raise some cash for the new millenium, where the chief currency will be penny farthings made up of plastic doll’s buttons.

Again, this is not the long term strategy, and I will not be taking down my core, only my oversized accumulations, which have done so well since September especially.  More tomorrow, if I can get out of my driveway.

Best to you all.  And keep an eye on BIOS and ENTR.   These old stalwarts seem to be making a move again, as do non metal Jacksonians ANDE , TCK and TC.


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California Gold Rush

[youtube:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ufn_pUVzZBg&feature=related 450 300]

(The 1970’s are back in California, at least)


It ain’t easy keeping up with my family for a long weekend mini-vacation let me tell you.   It seems we did it all this time around– the full blown resort/ winery grand loop/ top-eating halls/ Napa-Sonoma scenario, and even added in the occasional valley balloon flight and a “little” family party at a relative’s Fairfax home in the hills.   I think we also greatly depleted the stock of the district, so it’s a good thing that harvest is a little late this year.

Because let me tell you — they’re going to need more grape jooce (sic) when we finally vacate the air space.

Going into this week I am going to exercise some caution.  I still have a little bit of my ANV and SLW hedges left and I may add to them perhaps get some GDX and even GDXJ covered calls.  Both gold and silver are magnificently stretched here and I’m looking for a respite at least.    I woulodn’t be surprised if that respite went hand in hand with a similar pullback on the SPX.

To that end, I may trim my sails on some of my stock positions also, including TCK, TC and ANDE — the non-precious Jacksonians.  I will keep all of my MON as that seems to have a counter-cyclical trend to its trading recently.

Besides, it’s a long term hold play, and I’d be comfortable adding lower, so why sell some now?

I am bone weary and getting up early tomorrow to take on the San Fran Airport.   I will try to check in via Crackberry, but until then bon chance!


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The Inevitable Decay Of the Boomers


[youtube:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQtq4Z4t1yQ 450 300]

Coupled With an Egregious Loss of Dignity


SLW was up 25% this past August.  You’re welcome, any time. 

I expect we’ll see a bit of consolidation in the PM names into early September, perhaps even coincident with a pullback in TLT, our nemesis.

Then again with the action in ANV today, that might just not happen at all.  I hope, however, that it will, as I would like to add a bit more ANV before that behemoth continues to roll on.  Remember what I said about how powerful that stock was off a touch of the 200-day EMA?  That was back below $16 a share, less than six weeks ago, and today she hit $24.50 before backing off to a dollar lower than that. 

Now futures are raring up in a wholly unexpected September first blastoff.  I mean who could have thought all that low volume selling on Monday could have been big money positioning? 


PM’s may rest here, but I’m thinking ANDE and SQM — two recent mentions, along with old Jacksonian friends TC and TCK, will offer plenty of fun-haus trading for those so inclined tomorrow.   Dollars to doughnuts, our friend earl starts launching again tomorrow.   I may partake in some eeeevil ERX as a result.

For the adventurous, it looks like CREE and VECO are ready to “POWR” up one more time.  Or you can go equally nuts with Triple Sec Russell play, TNA.

My best to you and your Boomer parents.   Well, kind of.


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When the Three Legged Horse Was King

three legged horse

“Dollar Bill,” the Three Legged Horse 


The formidable monster dollar days are as done as well oiled-Gulf cod, with a side of Pelican mashies.   The Euro may continue to break down and every paper currency in the universe could go the way of all tinder, but I do not think any of it will help our much abused dollar.

Nope, you see Bernanke caught that acrid whif of deflation over the last fortnight, and he knew exactly what he had to do.  And he did it — he opened lines of credit for crappy multinational and Euro banks to stabilise (sic) their burgeoning debt crisis.   He used our bucks to help sterilise (sic) bad Greek and Carpathian debt like it was mere Fannie Mae mortgages or something similar.

And what a time to do so — when the dollar was as healthy as a three legged horse in a horse amputee ward at the veterinarian hospital.   Heck, you might have even ridden that horse, were you forced too.

To the abbatoir.

So Bernanke saved all the legless horses in Europe with his three legged horse and guess what… the bill has come due and it’s stipulates right here in ten point Hellenic script: “more legs.”  

More legs down as the printing presses continue to fly and whirl and shuttlecock and do all things printing presses do whilst churning out fresh greenback, further diluting their wirth (sic) to one an all.   Note how in the weekly, we’ve got a two week breakdown in the works since our tumultous “third top” high back in early June….

As you can see $85.00 is my near term goal, and that should coincide with a nice spike in the overall markets (not just the PM’s though they should surely benefit too) after we work off the overbought high so adroitly noted in The PPT .   

You can see $85.00 makes sense on the daily as well:

$85 is very close to our 50-day EMA as well, which further reinforces that target as a resting point, if not a full rebound target.

What will happen as a result of this continuing dollar meander down?   I’m afraid that in the intermediate term, it’s bullish for the markets — even if only artificially so.   Luckily, one can better guard his well-earned profits by placing them in an operating company that measures its assets not in dollars, but in something more substantial.  

That’s correuct, “the precious” is just that substanital asset, and mining operators have that, and leverage too.

You know my favourites as they never fail to please… ANV, SLW, EGO, IAG, and PAAS for now.   Keep a firm hand on the best, and you will have ample “excess capital” to play with the rest, like the other evenings’ offerings (BAA and RBY).

Gun to my head best immediate picks :  TC, TCK, CREE, ANV and IAG.

Stay safe, my friends.


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TIE(Ck), TECK, Dough

 [youtube:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jgoG5o7Jsk4 450 300]


I’ve been mooning on about precious metals to make your head loll in zombie-dead fashion, haven’t I?  I’ll shut up for another day (yesterday I talked about banks, remember?) and discuss some other picks dear to my heart instead. 

First, let me point out that today was a tight fisted, play-the-Obama-speech, earl (sic) and gas flinging session for the majority of The PPT members inside that eldritch sanctum today.   Many a new position was opened in the nat gas and earl sectors, though your humble servant reserved his coinage only for a small addition to [[ERX]] and a new starter position in Fly’s latest find, the barrier island building [[GLDD]].

But my fellow iBankers have already mentioned multiple carboniferous energy plays for your enrichment, so I will hold off and present instead two metal names in my portfolio that I think are worth a glance at this (critical?) juncture.

The first is [[TCK]] or Teck Cominco, which, like the Nine Travelers at Lothlorien, stands at the “edge of the knife.”    The weekly chart is self explanatory (and the daily is quite useless, btw) — price must hold at these levels or the stock will see $25 very quickly.  

That said, I like this name, and barring any unforeseen circumstances, I think this name rebounds to the $45 level with the rest of the XME-like names, if this rebound scenarios continues.  Wait and see, first, however.

Another of my favourite non-precious portfolio metals is [[TIE]] which has been looking almost unnaturally healthy these days.    Given the consolidation in specialty metals, I wouldn’t be surprised to see this company taken out at some point in the next twelve months, and that could be what investors are seeing too.  First, the weekly is looking like it wants to break to free air:

Looks good enough to grab right now, but I think the daily gives some very nice direction regarding a proper buy point:

Let’s keep an eye on the gold and silver here as well.  Looking for Gold to stay above $1,200, here.  If it does not, I will have additional commentary on my follow up moves.

Best to you all.


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