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Tag Archives: RGLD

The Next Big Thing



I already gave you this idea a few weeks back, but I wanted to bring my favorite Japanese gold play (not really), Yamana Gold (AUY), back to your attention.  As I mentioned in my last feature, this is one of the longest saucer-consolidation patterns I’ve seen forming in the gold sector since the March 2009 Recovery, and I think we are finally done consolidating and getting ready to launch with vigour (sic). Look at the weekly one more time:


















Note that the real breakout is probably going to be somewhere above $14, and you might want to wait til you see that number.  I already own some, however, and may add on strength tomorrow.   As I would with any long term consolidation in a bull, I expect AUY to launch quite nicely once it breaks out of it’s saucer pattern here.

Today I cut back on some over-weighted positions, as announced in The PPT.  That includes AAU, RGLD, DGP, some more NUGT and even silver star AG. I still have tonnes left in each of those names, btw.

Today I took advantage of Crazy Eddie “low, low, low” prices to nab some more UPS and TCK as well.  UPS is perhaps one of the most solid companies in the world.  It was on sale today so I added.    I also opened a new position in Borg Warner (BWA) which I have been stalking from much higher numbers.  I really like the auto supplier space.  There’s tonnes of activity going on in the Private Equity market there as well.

Best to you all.  I will be on the road again tomorrow but checking in.



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I Should Stay on Vacation

beach photo

Gettin’ Back To Lawn Guyland Form, Ovah Heah


This is going to be quick because I’m not sure how long this modem is going to hold out.

My apologies, but in my past forays to “Summer Noo Yawk” I’ve never had any trouble getting on line via the wireless.  This time around, however, we are having “modem troubles” (the wireless network is fine, it’s the ‘net access which keeps blinking off).  Yesterday, I was able to make one brief comment about Le Monsieur’s cawfee troubles and then I was unable to get back on the rest of the day.

I am going to cross my fingers and hope that this transmission gets through.

With regard to today’s title, my point is, I often seem to do better in my portfolio when I am away from my home.  I can’t explain it, and perhaps it’s all just coincidental, but it seems like whenever I’m out and about, I have special market guardian angels stamping down the price of the dollar, or boosting the price of the precious metal markets for one reason or another.  I continue to believe that this Kabuki Theater debt ceiling deal means nothing at the moment, because the world’s bond traders see it for the political sham it is.

They also see Ben Bernanke running the printing presses like mad, which is why the dollar keeps dropping like Emma Stone.  I have little doubt that we’ll see a drop to the old “Sub $73 lows” on the dollar index and quite possible will see new lows before the false debt ceiling dance is concluded. I hope you held onto your DGP and your other mining assets, particularly RGLD, SLW and ANV.

For those who are confused about this political dance — I remind you, the debt ceiling itself does not matter, it’s the resolution of the debt debate that matters.  Bond traders may not care about an artificial ceiling argument, but they do care about the U.S. attending to an out of control debt situation.   The 30-year bubble in Treasuries could come to an eventful end here if the world decides our sovereign credit is no longer creditable.   You might want to look into TBT as an alternate in that case.

Best to you.


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Just Say the Word

[youtube:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2WNrx2jq184&feature=related 450 300]


Let’s face it, all the rocket ships I gave you over the last couple of days are now as egregiously overbought as Mrs. Fly’s Visa Card after a vacation in Paris.  I mean, that shit is panting.  It’s needs a new magnetic strip and make this next one indestructible titanium, please.

But enough japes about our wives spending habits.  What the hell is money good for anyway if you are not going to lay it out for your wife and children to dance through, mazurka-style?   And I’m here to talk about money and opportunity.

Those of you who were too timorous to take advantage of the earlier week’s outstanding pin action may be able to take a second spin at the wheel here in the very near future.  Almost everything is overbought on my RSI charts (as you will see) and even the $HUI is looking tired after some two weeks of glorious struggle with its support line.    You know about the Jacksonians — SLW, ANV, EXK, GDX, RGLD, etc., etc., and they should offer nice opportunities in the coming days as well.

But tonight’s study is going to be some noobs for the Noob community.  I have recently put some money into AXU (along w. le Monsieur), but I have not yet dabbled in AUQ or BRD.   I believe that may change in the next few days.   Here are my three charts, which detail my entry points. I begin with AXU:

And then AUQ:

And maybe my favorite of the three,  for the punning eventualities alone, “the BiRD” — BRD:

In the next week or so, I believe everyone will have heard, that the Bird is a word.

Best to you all.








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A Lesson in Econ 101

[youtube:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GTQnarzmTOc 450 300]


Apparently, crack U.S. Special Forces stumbled on JP Morgan’s “lost tonnes” of silver bars whilst cashing in our un-paid receivable with now soundly-dead Osama Bin Hydin’.  This seems the only plausible explanation of the coincident 10% drop in the price of silver last night right as the news of Osama’s involuntary cranial ventilation was breaking. 

Kudo’s to President Barack, by the way, who appears to have begun smoking some of that Bushitlerian war-monger crack and can’t seem to get enough of the rock.   In other stunning news, the vicious San Franciscite anti-war harridans of Code Pink have summarily renamed themselves “Code Ah, It’s Okay,” while long respected gold star mother media queen Cindy Sheehan has unveiled a new website in honor of her President’s recent actions called “If-It’s-Brown-Shoot-It-Down.com.”

Whether or not PETA President Ingrid Newkirk’s newly sponsored Western Kentucky Squirrel Hunt/Democrat Fund Raiser and the Sierra Club’s latest bumper sticker “Yellowstone is for Coal Mining” are further evidence of a sea change in liberal sentiment has yet to be determined.


Despite silver’s no Chinaman low volume sell-off last night, it appears there’s little changed in the direction of the dollar.  What’s more, it looks like gold isn’t even taking the temporary detour that earl, the CRB and silver took last night upon news of Osama’s fatal lobotomy. 

Now I’ve told you about silver being waaaay over it’s 200-day EMA, and that’s why we were switching our focus to gold for now.   This sell-off, however, may give  you an opportunity to play a couple of broken silver miners.  You know I like SLW and EXK the best (both of whom look to be off at least 5% in pre-market), but I also think AG is “catchable” here, (I still have low bids in on that one) and even AGQ may be a play, if an extremely short term one.   Only mess with that last if you are determined to watch it, because it should be swinging big here this week.  Right now it’s down over 10% in the pre-market, which is too much.

On the golds, I continue to like AAU, RGLD and XG.  Also, watch IVN, which has call sellers betting against it, but which could short squozen at any time.

On another note, it’s Derby Week, so I will be trying to talk a little bit about the ponies for the fans.  Do recognize, however, that this is one of my busiest weeks, so let’s keep the comment section hopping and I’ll try to reply from the Crack wherever I may be.

Best to you all, and Happy Osama is Deceased Day!


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Fishing for Beauties


Amazing how quickly everyone is willing to attest to the death of the king, no?  You would think that after ten years now, some would be willing to give this bull the benefit of the doubt.   Instead, we’ve got closet morticians coming out of the woodwork and stretching their yellow tape measures in anticipation of parsing out a pine coffin.

I say, “not so fast, dealers in embalming juice.”  Who gave you leave to drag out these corpses, anyway?   A quick once-over with the infrared scope will tell you they are merely sleeping.  What’s more, a more practiced eye will tell you when to climb back on their dorsal fins and flukes, ready to ride the great beasts to glory.   And yes, I have some suggestions…

The first–XG — may be ready right now.   By the bright scimitar of Kirby Puckett, it is my #1 pick a the moment, despite Jeremy and Fly’s steady refusal to feature it in The PPT.  No matter, just look at the fight in this young monster:

As you may note, that recovery candle could very well signify that XG is back and off to the races.  My next two are not yet as ready, but in my mind offer some very appetizing entry possibilities in coming days.   As they are crowd favourites (sic), you should feel favoured (sic):

Here is a stock– AG —  that was trading over $27 in the most remarkable bull of the 21st century.   And you might be able to get it at almost a 30% discount?  Remember to give alms if you are so favoured, sir.

Last, is our lovely grandmama, RGLD, which may allow us entry into her cookie pantry at a most opportune price.  Be on your best behaviour (sic) and she may deliver you a choice Tollhouse, or three:

Consider these next few days a rolling Christmas Eve for gimlet-eyed adults.   Just remember to stay off the rum toddies so you’re not caught nodding.

Best to you all.


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Relax, We’re Through It…

[youtube:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lyl5DlrsU90 450 300]________________________________

I don’t know what to say.   Silver is even higher over it’s 200-day EMA  (53%!) today and yet AGQ continues to sally forth, like the great Black Knight knocking aside rivals like tin pots, only hours before losing all his arms and legs to a timorous King Arthur.

The winds blow here and the lights flicker, and yet the rancorous dollar is not held aloft.  It’s a rag, a pliant kerchief, a spoiled cabbage.  What do make of it but furthur substitution in proper specie?

Listen, I havn’t a lot of time.  My lights have flickered once, and the next blow will likely break my server from the Interwebs.   Therefore I give you my “best idea of the night,” in the form of one of my favourite (sic) Jacksonians, mighty ANV.  Like RGLD the other night, this looks ready to be purchased here and now.  Now is the time for gold to begin to catch it’s mercurial brother, methinks.

Due to last night’s technical difficulties resulting from tornadic activity, I will not chance furthering this message, but be on the lookout for a number of gold names breaking out like BAA did yesterday.   My best to you.


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