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Tag Archives: AG

The 11th Hour of the 11th Day


I have a daughter who was born in 2000.  She’s going to a classmate’s party today, and you guessed it, the classmate is also 11, on 11/11/11.   Pretty cool.  Of course my daughter also knows kids that were in 10 on October 10th and 9 on September 9th, and almost all the way down the line.   I guess that’s one of the hidden perks of being a Millenial Baby. 

Of course all that fun ends next December on 12/12/12, which will not coincidentally also soon after auger in her first year of teenagerdom.  Teenagerhood?  Teenagedness?

In any case, I’d better gird my loins.

But let’s not lose sight of the importance of the Day itself, written into history in 1918 as the end marker of “The War to End all Wars” — WWI.  Unfortunately that was a bit of hubris, wasn’t it?  The very Treaty (Versailles) signed that day in fact set the groundwork for an even worse World War only a little more than 20 years later. 

The study of history shows that human nature is cyclic, and that we tend to make the same mistakes, no matter our careful plans to eradicate them by mutually agreed consensus.   There will always be those who seek to take advantage of said consensus, just as there will always be those claiming we’ve finally arrived at the “End of History.”  

To expect otherwise in future is a fool’s game.  We can only do the best we can, and improve ourselves individually and as a society by gentle consensus, and with a constant and humble awareness that we will backslide.  That knowledge, that humility, will allow us to rebound all the quicker.

I would humbly suggest we hold then to our accumulated traditions, our respect for others, their person and property and our fealty to consensual agreement over forced autarchy.   For these are the traditions that set the Free People of the West apart from civilizations of the past, and from the failed societies of the present.  

But let’s also be most cognizant that these traditions are under fire from many quarters, and that in many cases, all that stands between them and the less enlightened cohorts of the past are the blood of those willing to defend their preservation.

So let’s raise a glass to our Veterans, and to those who carry the sword — voluntarily — into battle for our civilization today.   And pass that good word to a soldier in uniform not just this day, but from this day foreward.


As I expected (was hoping?), the dollar gnomes have collapsed the dollar anew.    This has led to some very nice activity in the silver and gold pits, with the kind of flagging (bullish) that makes my heart grow fond.

I will likely add here and there to my hordes today, and will let you know if I do.  Right now I am enjoying strong moves in SLW, EGO, IAG and my various ETF plays, including the doubles AGQ and NUGT.

As always, if you want to toe-dip, start with the basics — GDX, GDXJ and SIL.  Highest octane is in the crazy silvers, like my favourites AG and EXK.  Today and for the next few days, SSRI should also be moving to make up for the plungerooni (overdone) yesterday.

Lastly, don’t forget about the “rare earth” plays like QRM and AVL for added dollar inflation pop.
My best to you all on this day of honour.


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The Turkey Was Gilded

gold turkey


Things just keep getting more and more peachy around here.   On Friday, as I revealed yesterday, I threw caution to the wind and grabbed a whole lot of miner and double ETF picks that I had a feeling would make a strong move this week.  Today I was rewarded for that Erroll Flynn-ish type of move not only by a strong move in the precious metal sector, but also a bonus Eagle loss to a team they should never lose to if they believe themselves contenders this year (sorry Bears fans).

Especially not at home.

That puts my Giants three games ahead of the “Dream Team” Beagles, albeit with three tough games still ahead of them (and one in the rear view mirror in Gilette Stadium -heh!).  There’s more than serendipity at work here, methinks…

Could it be the Turkey Gods are blessing us all in advance?  It’s quite possible, especially when you look at the evidence available in the $HUI — an index which up to now has been quite vexatious to those of us who trade “the original coin.”

But look what the weekly is telling us now… not only are we breaking out over old levels, but it looks like this time we’ve ample time left in the run.  Check out these stochastics on the $HUI weekly —


That’s right, we’re near the famed “$610 Maginot Line,” again, and with adequate momentum to take those levels out with aplomb.  And we all know that breakouts beget breakouts, don’t we?

So grab your favorite gold miner or royalty financier (RGLD!) or even multi-varied ETF (GDX, SIL, GDXJ), because I think there’s more fun to come.

I may even grab some NUGT tomorrow if I can squeeze some time out of my fire extinguishing duties.

No rest for the weary Gentlemen (and Ladies).   I will see you all around the coyne shoppes.

Best to you all.

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Just A Song Before I Go

[youtube:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pF-oWhD2itE 450 300]


Please don’t let the dollar rip your guts out over the next couple of day, eh?  As I’ve mentioned I’ll be outta heah (ovah heah) for the next five days or so.   I should be able to log on with no trouble when I get to my destination, but I make no promised.  I’ve been through enough travel hell to know never to take anything for granted.

That said, I’m headed to such a civilized place that they spell it “civilised” out there, what? Carry on old bean, stiff upper lip, bite on a hard scone and all that.

The miners rebounded today nicely, but I’m not yet convinced we’re done with dollar turbulence.  That said I am hoovering, ever so patiently, and ever so slowly, on select lots of RGLD, BAA, SLW, EXK and AG, not to mention filling in the chinks with plenty of GDX, GDXJ and SIL.   If you don’t want to mess around with individual stocks, those three are your best bets for the mining sector.

I really believe the $HUI might revisit $560 again.  If it does, and we get the bounce I expect there, that’ll be your green light.  Best to you all, and I’ll try to check in again over the next few days.



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It’s not all Gold

carbon car

(This Car’s body and frame are made from Carbon)

I know I’ve been waxing poetic about the bounties of raw commodity gold and silver plays, and gosh knows AGQ, MVG, AG, EXK and SLW all performed mightily today, as did ANV and IVN on the gold side (among many others).  However,  I would counsel you also that there’s a whole wide word out there from which to choose.   Make no mistake, the European crisis is not going to be over with the waving of a magic juju stick that makes every price legitimate and no bank under pressure for insolvency.  Call it what you might, but this bailout is simply kicking the can down the considerably strung out road by tossing more money at poor Greek monkey grinders who will only convert it to a lamp shade or a fancy brooch.

That means inflation.

That means all commodities will be in play.  Let’s have some fun, shall we?  Indulge me.   Old favorite (and Jacksonian) beat down TCK was roaring like a Bengal tiger caught in an escalator, up over 10%.   TC — the molybdenum favorite and also Jacksonian was up 7.25%, and even my favorite WNR was fully erect today, adding a cool 9.5%.

But here’s that long developing carbon play I threw at you some months back — CCC.  Remember that monthly chart?  The one that showed that neat consolidating triangle?   Well, faith and begorrah, that triangle is still intact and still consolidating (much like AUY in the recent past).   And given that there are two days left in October, we might even have the pleasure of an actual breakout of some significance here:

Two days for a paradigm shift possibility.  Is that too long to wait?   I wouldn’t.

PS — I have another favorite PM play that has a beautiful monthly chart as well.  Perhaps I’ll share tomorrow sometime if you are pleasant.


Best to you all.

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Midas is My Bitch

Sit, Midas, Stay!

I was away on business in outer Lobos Lobovia today (somewhere in the untracked wilds of the Midwest), when I received a cell phone text from my dog, Midas (above).   She’s been trained to faithfully call me whenever I’m away from the screen and there’s a significant opportunity in the precious metals… especially the miners.   She’s to do this no matter how busy I am, and mein gott have I been busy.   Still, she has her training… so…

“Roof!” She said, “roof, urf, roof!”   Loosely translated, this meant “buy MVG,” but that’s of little consequence when you could have bought anything in the PM sector today (save maybe PAAS) and you’d have made a crop of coin.  So who says dogs are smart, right?

Anyway, MVG was up 6% including after hours today.  AAU was up 12.7% today.  Guess what wasn’t up so much today?  If you said “BAA” you get a prize.  It was flat most of the day, only to trade up a shade under 3% in after hours.   Can you guess what I’m going to be buying tomorrow, time allowing?

My dog Midas knows.


Again, my apologies for being away from you, friends.  It’s truly been one of the busiest weeks I’ve had since I was a gruntling analyst fresh out of my white shoe training program.  And shit, it’s only Wednesday.

That news in itself should be somewhat indicative to you.  Money is moving people, on both sides of the balance sheet.

Given this pace, I may not even make it to the weekend.   So if I don’t, let me share my outlook.  I think we should be aware we could be on the cusp of a cataclysmic move in the PM’s.   The dollar has broken that support at $76, and as I type it’s at $75.89 on the index.   Gold has responded, and is above $1700 again.  I think we’re on the way back up, and am cautiously adding to my piles as time allows.

Silver’s been something of a laggard, but I may take advantage of that by adding to my AG and EXK tomorrow.  If my readings are correct, we’ve still a ways to go in those names.   I may even indulge in some AGQ.  Juniors in the gold sector should also be considered.  Grab GDXJ if you don’t want to choose.   Take care, and I will try and drop in on you tomorrow.

Best to you all.





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WSJ/NBC Poll Puts Herminator In Lead

[youtube:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rI6-JzxV-_M&NR=1 450 300]

Plantation Boss Liberals’ Response Seems Less Than Pleased


According to a new NBC/Wall Street Journal poll released tonight, Herman Cain now leads the GOP field with a 27% share of the vote, with Governor Mitt Romney pulling second at 23% , and helmet headed Rick Perry falling from 38% last month in the same poll to 16%  in this latest effort.

I would say that Perry turkey is cooked, and its time to move on to the only man with a computer science degree and an MBA in the field.   A man with a plan (no matter how flawed) to limit the claims of the federal government on the capitalist incentive system that made this country great.  A man who has worked his whole life — in every trade from digging ditches to running multimillion dollar revenue companies.

And maybe most important, Herman Cain is comfortable in his own skin — without having to repair to it as his designated aegis or truncheon.   What a refreshing concept!  Good luck Hermanator!


And please, just stop with the Mitt Romney stuff already.  He’s the establishment candidate in the best traditions of other past fatted calf candidates, like Bob Dole and John McCain.  While I have great respect for Mitt’s operational background and vast business success, I cannot vote (in the primaries at least) for a guy who continues to back his moves in creating Romneycare, along with all the baggage attendant in that decision.

The voting public hungers for a conservative once again.   Herman Cain is thus far the only conservative candidate with the personality, wits and contacts to win the long race to the White House.


I did get rid of the bulk of my QLD today, as reported in The PPT, but did little else.  I had a rather mammoth  order in all day for rare metal play QRM, but to no avail.  Luckily I already own a small horde of the name, but I was looking to add on a pullback today, to no avail.  I believe it ended up over 14% for the day.  I will continue my intense observations.

I continue to stalk select names in the rare earth (AVL)  and precious metal field (SLW, AG, EXK, RGLD, ANV),  even as this rally gets long in the tooth.  In the meantime I am also selling down some winners.  Not just QLD, but ARO and some other names that have gathered some moss.

Best to you all and to this blessed and still great country.  May she choose wisely.




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