Give me your tired, your hungry, your poor, I’ll piss on them.


Immigration is an emotive issue in the US. That’s not news to anyone. I shall be leaving the emotion to talk radio. It might be a newsflash to some that we have a skills shortage in the US. Unemployment is at 9%. Yet skilled workers are M.I.A. That degree in communications just doesn’t matter for shit in the real American economy does it?

If you look around a top academic research labs in the country and what do you see? As far as the eye can see aliens. The sort that this country needs to keep itself at the top of the food chain. My email inbox is hit multiple times a day with highly paid jobs. Tech companies are eager to fill these post and recruiters are going gang busters trying to fill them. These are great Jobs that often provide six figure salaries. The people to fill these posts are in situ. They are doing cutting edge academic research. This is due to there being unlimited visa’s for aliens in academia. On the flip-side, there are only 85K H1B visas for the entire nation this year. That’s for the whole country spanning all professions. The good news is if your are an athlete or entertainer step right up, we have special visas for you.

The mantra has bcome that foreigners are stealing jobs. The visible ones are doing the kinds of jobs American’s with Mickey mouse qualifications wont. Then there are the aliens who do the jobs that Americans clearly can’t. It’s a jarring statement to make, only because its true. Go onto and search Ph.D and tell me how openings you have and then type in reality TV star.

I don’t give a shit who cuts Mitt Romeny’s grass. I do not need a time machine to tell me that they were of the genus Hispanicus. They do a great job for a sweet price. Market forces at work in your front yard? I would like to know who is going to invent a new video card? The one that is going to project holograms from my cell phone. Is he brown? Does he have an accent? Whats his stance of gay marriage? Irrelevant noise.

I’m certainly not advocating a free for all here. I would certainly like to cut back on allowing the automatic green light for a green card holder’s to bring parents, siblings and parakeets etc into the US. I would suggest you should stay put in your home country and watch reruns of the Walton’s. However, if they are bringing skills that are short supply? Trumpets shall sound, the red carpet will be rolled out and Beyonce will be there to greet you at the airport.

The final though I shall leave you with is to look up on the top right hand corner of your screen, there is a small box in the top right hand corner that was created by a job stealing alien. You may perhaps be viewing this on a stylish apple product. One that was designed by yet another alien and wait your not going to click on that YouTube video? No surely not that as well.





I self identify as an elitist, and I’m ok with that


You can call me Dr Schadenfreude I’m a Biomagician with more letters after my name than would safely fit into a single tweet. I’m a foreigner residing in the state at the leading edge of technology and innovation. I’m surrounded by those who decide to schlep their A game to a country that rewards people for bringing their  A game to the party. Lets face it the US has a surplus of slothful morons. However, as a superb juxtaposition it is also the undisputed heavy weight champion of the coolest shit on the planet.

I have racked up more than my fair share of air miles to ogle next generation pacemakers, insulin pumps and magical chips that can screen for 5000 diseases and the push of a button. I am distrustful of big pharma, those who claim to be experts in a branch of science that has more than a passing resemblance to the dark arts should be treated with suspicion. I would like to impart upon you a taste of wonder and serve you up a super sized portion of the horror. Well I hear you ask, what the relevance does this have on a financial blog? I have exposure to companies that in PPT parlance could be referred to as lotto tickets. Also, I have intimately known some of the companies that are monocle wearing members of the great industrial aristocracy.

The main purpose is to bring some perspective to the world of for profit science. Give you a peek as to what goes on in these sweatshops of innovation. I aim to talk about the things I have knowledge of, namely where engineering meets biology, medical devices and other kinds of magic.  Ultimately, I will let my writings emerge organically. My remit will be to talk about things with a technological slant, but its far to early to pigeon hole myself. Feel free to click two thumbs fresh if this is something you dig.

Give me your tired, your hungry, your poor, I’ll piss on them.


Immigration is an emotive issue in the US. That’s not news to anyone. I shall be leaving the emotion to talk radio. It might be a newsflash to some that we have a skills shortage in the US. Unemployment is at 9%. Yet skilled workers are M.I.A. That degree in communications just doesn’t matter for shit in the real American economy does it?

If you look around a top academic research labs in the country and what do you see? As far as the eye can see aliens. The sort that this country needs to keep itself at the top of the food chain. My email inbox is hit multiple times a day with highly paid jobs. Tech companies are eager to fill these post and recruiters are going gang busters trying to fill them. These are great Jobs that often provide six figure salaries. The people to fill these posts are in situ. They are doing cutting edge academic research. This is due to there being unlimited visa’s for aliens in academia. On the flip-side, there are only 85K H1B visas for the entire nation this year. That’s for the whole country spanning all professions. The good news is if your are an athlete or entertainer step right up, we have special visas for you.

The mantra has bcome that foreigners are stealing jobs. The visible ones are doing the kinds of jobs American’s with Mickey mouse qualifications wont. Then there are the aliens who do the jobs that Americans clearly can’t. It’s a jarring statement to make, only because its true. Go onto and search Ph.D and tell me how openings you have and then type in reality TV star.

I don’t give a shit who cuts Mitt Romeny’s grass. I do not need a time machine to tell me that they were of the genus Hispanicus. They do a great job for a sweet price. Market forces at work in your front yard? I would like to know who is going to invent a new video card? The one that is going to project holograms from my cell phone. Is he brown? Does he have an accent? Whats his stance of gay marriage? Irrelevant noise.

I’m certainly not advocating a free for all here. I would certainly like to cut back on allowing the automatic green light for a green card holder’s to bring parents, siblings and parakeets etc into the US. I would suggest you should stay put in your home country and watch reruns of the Walton’s. However, if they are bringing skills that are short supply? Trumpets shall sound, the red carpet will be rolled out and Beyonce will be there to greet you at the airport.

The final though I shall leave you with is to look up on the top right hand corner of your screen, there is a small box in the top right hand corner that was created by a job stealing alien. You may perhaps be viewing this on a stylish apple product. One that was designed by yet another alien and wait your not going to click on that YouTube video? No surely not that as well.





I self identify as an elitist, and I’m ok with that


You can call me Dr Schadenfreude I’m a Biomagician with more letters after my name than would safely fit into a single tweet. I’m a foreigner residing in the state at the leading edge of technology and innovation. I’m surrounded by those who decide to schlep their A game to a country that rewards people for bringing their  A game to the party. Lets face it the US has a surplus of slothful morons. However, as a superb juxtaposition it is also the undisputed heavy weight champion of the coolest shit on the planet.

I have racked up more than my fair share of air miles to ogle next generation pacemakers, insulin pumps and magical chips that can screen for 5000 diseases and the push of a button. I am distrustful of big pharma, those who claim to be experts in a branch of science that has more than a passing resemblance to the dark arts should be treated with suspicion. I would like to impart upon you a taste of wonder and serve you up a super sized portion of the horror. Well I hear you ask, what the relevance does this have on a financial blog? I have exposure to companies that in PPT parlance could be referred to as lotto tickets. Also, I have intimately known some of the companies that are monocle wearing members of the great industrial aristocracy.

The main purpose is to bring some perspective to the world of for profit science. Give you a peek as to what goes on in these sweatshops of innovation. I aim to talk about the things I have knowledge of, namely where engineering meets biology, medical devices and other kinds of magic.  Ultimately, I will let my writings emerge organically. My remit will be to talk about things with a technological slant, but its far to early to pigeon hole myself. Feel free to click two thumbs fresh if this is something you dig.