I self identify as an elitist, and I’m ok with that


You can call me Dr Schadenfreude I’m a Biomagician with more letters after my name than would safely fit into a single tweet. I’m a foreigner residing in the state at the leading edge of technology and innovation. I’m surrounded by those who decide to schlep their A game to a country that rewards people for bringing their  A game to the party. Lets face it the US has a surplus of slothful morons. However, as a superb juxtaposition it is also the undisputed heavy weight champion of the coolest shit on the planet.

I have racked up more than my fair share of air miles to ogle next generation pacemakers, insulin pumps and magical chips that can screen for 5000 diseases and the push of a button. I am distrustful of big pharma, those who claim to be experts in a branch of science that has more than a passing resemblance to the dark arts should be treated with suspicion. I would like to impart upon you a taste of wonder and serve you up a super sized portion of the horror. Well I hear you ask, what the relevance does this have on a financial blog? I have exposure to companies that in PPT parlance could be referred to as lotto tickets. Also, I have intimately known some of the companies that are monocle wearing members of the great industrial aristocracy.

The main purpose is to bring some perspective to the world of for profit science. Give you a peek as to what goes on in these sweatshops of innovation. I aim to talk about the things I have knowledge of, namely where engineering meets biology, medical devices and other kinds of magic.  Ultimately, I will let my writings emerge organically. My remit will be to talk about things with a technological slant, but its far to early to pigeon hole myself. Feel free to click two thumbs fresh if this is something you dig.

4 Responses to “I self identify as an elitist, and I’m ok with that”

  1. Interesting but the egregious mistakes in spelling and grammar lead me to believe you are a moron.
    However, if English is not your mother tongue, well done.

  2. Sounds interesting, doc.

  3. Don’t feel badly, Dr. Shady.

    He’s my brother and was brought up with very exacting standards by a strict Irish mother who was also a grammar teacher.


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