So You Think Healthcare Reform is Going to Kill Jobs?


There are literally millions of American workers who “till the brown carpet” of the nations cubical farms…just so they can receive healthcare insurance. They are tapping into the kind of “collective bargaining” that goes hand in hand with being part of an organized group.

If you have ever considered becoming self employed, a major obstacle is accessing adequate health insurance. Without health insurance, you run the risk of being defiled by a gorilla in a clown suit.

There is a clear need to emancipate the frustrated entrepreneurs that are scattered throughout the land. How do I know this? Well…I am one of them. Until recently, I was stuck working for an employer because of a preexisting condition. When you tell an insurance company about a brush with cancer, they want spend some time apart, and then they start seeing someone else.

The good news is that help is on the way. It comes in the form of an online insurance exchange. In anticipation, I’m as wet as John Boehner’s handkerchief. It will allow me and countless others to start working for themselves. As entrepreneurs deploy capital to make their ideas come to life, the economy will be stimulated and jobs created.

However, this reform fan boy is starting to get a little edgy. The reason being, that I hear a lot of fat white guys on the TV talk about repealing it. Obama care repeal has become a corner stone of the new republican dogma. These are the same people who are shrieking about Obama causing insurance premiums to skyrocket. The last time I checked he was CEO of the United States and not of United Health. Insurance companies are engaging in wanton price manipulation. This is a prime example of why these fuckers need to be regulated. If you want to create jobs, give me access to affordable healthcare and I’II gladly create some.

4 Responses to “So You Think Healthcare Reform is Going to Kill Jobs?”

  1. ha, as being self employed for the last decade,let me just’ll spend more money insuring your godamn business than you’ll be able to afford health insurance for one’s self,let alone a family.i got completely feed up with the notion that,why do i have to pay for terrorist insurance,on top of all the other bullshit because i hang a fucking door,or toss up 50 sheets of drywall. let me just say,as i have said repeatedly for the last 25 godman years,”it is not the unions that have ruined this country, as every dumb fuck would have one believe,my strong conviction,and belief is that,” insurance companies, and bull shit lawyers have ruined this country. i know there are a few obogado’s here. but guess what……….

  2. TeahouseOnTheTracks

    Talk to Senator Gint … That said, I agree.

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