The power misdirection, and the sheep who are fooled.


Hello to you all.

Since time and attention do not permit me to give you all a history lesson in depth, I will try to keep this short.

For starters, people and herds of them are stupid and easy to fool in general. Add mass media, political ideals, religion, and emotion, and you can really pull the wool over a person’s eyes.

The British were masters of the world. The sun never set on the British Empire and so on. One trick, divide and conquer, worked very well for them but not so well for the people in their way.  However “others” have mastered this trick and have made it their own.

Example: The Democratic- and Republican-controlled media will have you believe the real issues are gay marriage, racism, abortion, guns, health care, fair share and free shit. They have the sheep fighting amongst themselves about nonsense, while the real issues are not seen or mentioned. How stupid are we all? The fact that after two presidents, the current being more flagrant then the last, we have had our freedoms taken and our money stolen. My gods, Americans are now left open for assassinations, the money is being stolen from generations to come. Forget about the expanded wars in different theaters, nothing to see folks, move along.

“Others” also funded both sides of WWII: Nazi Germany, Soviet Russia, Prescott Bush and Averell Harriman. They backed the opposing sides and made the money. These men who seemed to be political opposites and against one another, yet in reality were very nice associates. Brothers in bones, just like Bush and Kerry. Pals if you would. All a trick.

The goal is simple: Create an issue, then take diametrical sides. While everyone is confused or fighting, you sit back and make the money or gain the control. It’s all a trick, boys and girls. These people are actually on the same side, and that side is not yours.

The video above is about two guys who seem to be opposed to each other. The fact is, they are very good friends who are taking antagonistic positions on purpose. They are in fact on the same team. Duplicity at its finest, boys and girls.



Chuck Bennett







14 Responses to “The power misdirection, and the sheep who are fooled.”

  1. I hear you, and I could talk about this all night long.


    Chuck Bennett

  2. I understand what U R saying, Chuck, and am aware that the 2 political parties are the same in most ways. Although Clinton, Bush, Obama etc. have been different from 1 another in significant ways, they have not been different in many of the ways that count most. And the whole country is owned & controlled by TBTF banks & other crony capitalist welfare queens, regardless of who anyone votes for.

    Speaking of Divide & Conquer, discussion of politics seems to always divide people. Of course it divided you & someone here- Harper. I hope that U & Harper can agreee to disagree. You just pointed out in your post that almost everyone prefers one party to another. So of course someone is going to reply saying that they do. It’s to be expected.

  3. thanks chuck. the ones we think pull the strings dont

  4. fucking Harper, I write something with no spelling or gramar mistakes and your going to give your opinion about who is taking your liberty away more? You apologize or so help, me I will punch your teeth through your asshole.

    Its a continuation of the same thing you blind lab rat. Get a clue,

    Farging ingrate.


    Chuck Bennett

  5. @ Harper

    Buddy, what are you even talking about. I dont care, they are the same. Doesn’t it matter that one guy has started killing US citizens with out a trial on suspicions of being a terrorist. I reckon you dont get the point, perhaps you should stop dreaming about naked men and get the propaganda out from your stupid ears. Haha.

    Dont be a stupid dummy you dummy. Actually, your the perfect example of what I was talking about. Sheep (you) are so worried about paying attention to the wrong things (who is worse, bush or obama) It does not matter. Do you get it?


    Chuck Bennett

  6. hahaha this president being more flagrant than the last. thats a laughable joke. Fuhrer Bush did this quite well, so well in fact, that you claim he isnt as bad as Obama. Your point in fact.

  7. They Cramer is not a talent when it comes to faking it.


    Chuck Bennett

  8. jimmy_two_times

    yes the exchange seemed all to set up, especially pulling of the mic.

    CCCPTV (CNBS) needs ratings. Santelli can’t carry all the weight.

  9. “If you are given a choice, you believe you have acted freely. This is one of the darkest of all psychological secrets.” – Teller

  10. Abbott & Costello did the same routine.

  11. That was actually quite good Chuck.

  12. Lol when I clicked the link and saw cramer and the herb on vhc I laughed heartily. I’m quite certain you’re right. Please explain how this ruse works between them.

  13. Chuck Bennett

    Read it again my friend,



    chuck bennett

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