What Would The Devil Do?


How does The Devil add to VHC after a key development that created a gap higher? He has very kindly calculated the range, low to high, from the gap day until today and applied a “Fibonacci analysis” to the specific range after the news.  The low was $30.60, the highest tick was $37.65 and a reentry or average up would be $33.30 . The low for today was $33.40, “close but no cigar–patience.”

Would you like to know more about reverse conversions and what they mean regarding VHC?

I will see if The Devil will share this, and more, with IBC. Some of you already know of The Devil and me from past experiences. The coin that has been banked here has been nothing short of awe-inspiring.  At some time, I will remind all of some of the past picks, from both of us.  Those who do not know The Devil because of sloth and ignornce, pay close attention for your education is about to begin.  EVERYONE will have an opportunity.


Chuck Bennett

6 Responses to “What Would The Devil Do?”

  1. I’m back for sure. KS was great, WNC might be even better.

    I will have more to bring, as the devil knows.


    chuck bennett

  2. It’s getting close now.

  3. (laughter) welcome back Chuck

  4. AMAC for the win.

  5. Oh Chuck, You had me at Fibonacci analysis…

  6. I’ll remind the plebs of the last one I remember…..a nice +33% move was nailed in KS…

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