Worried as fuck


Bottom line, I’m worried as fuck about a lot of things. The EU is on my list of shit I’m worried about, but far from the only thing. I’m worried as fuck with the US debt situation, and the possibility of either spending cuts or austerity measures. Politically something has to give, and either way it’s going to be bad for the economy.

I’m worried as fuck about the Japanese economy.

I’m worried as fuck about another housing/banking crisis in the BRIC’s(more specifically China, but also Asia in general). A banking crisis in Asia that would cascade to countries like Canada and Australia via commodity prices.(I would like to point to the inverted yield curves in the BRIC’s)

I’m worried as fuck about currency wars and protectionism. While, my only protection against currency wars is PM’s, yet those could be confiscated by the government at will and I’m worried as fuck about that. I also have in the back of my mind what Australia recently did(increased taxes on miners) and I’m worried as fuck about that happening elsewhere. The added political risk has me worried as fuck.

Don’t get me started on the middle east. I’m worried as fuck about that shit hole.

Fact of the matter is, there isn’t much out there that doesn’t have me worried as fuck. I hope you guys are as worried as me.

Moving to the markets, everything is fucked. I’m looking to go short, but not now. I currently hold no positions.

4 Responses to “Worried as fuck”

  1. Sargent Schultz aka waterlogz

    Better buy a 5 year supply of freeze dried food. Get some land outside of the big city with a small cabin with Internet access of coarse. Guns and ammo.. Gold and silver coins. Lots of toilet paper. If all of it goes society will run wild. y2k all again. Screw the markets….

    • I suspect toilet paper and coffee(Tea to a lesser extent) will be hot commodities when society collapses.

  2. here is my friend marjories overview on the chinese astro
    China – the mighty success starts to crumble From: Marjorie. (15 Dec 2011 09:40):
    China’s credit and property bubble looks to be bursting with ominous signs emerging in dribs and drabs despite the country’s normal habit of extreme secrecy. See URL below.
    The China 1949 chart has had tr Pluto square the 8th house Libra Sun through this year as the cracks started to appear. Pluto returns for another exact hit in the final days of this month into Jan 2012, repeating July/Aug, Nov/Dec 2012 – so there’s still a good deal of deconstructing still to come on the financial front (8th house). Plus the de-stabilising tr Uranus opposition Sun starts in May 2012 and runs for a year thereafter. On top of that there’s the tr Saturn square Jupiter running on and off till July 2012 which suggests the need for financial cutbacks after over expansion. In addition there’s tr Uranus square Uranus which suggests huge upheavals and perhaps even domestic unrest through till late 2012. There’ll certainly be fierce retrenchment right through 2014 with a major amount of financial panic and confusion at that point.

    The Bank of China chart, 1 Dec 1948, is under pressure at the moment with tr Pluto sextile the financial Venus now and thro’ 2012; with an undermining Solar Arc Sun trine Neptune through 2012/13. (In mundane charts soft aspects tend to act as hard.)
    Again if anything 2013/14/15 look even more stressed with a confused, panicky tr Neptune opposition Saturn and the transiting Pluto square tr Uranus hitting the BoC 8th house Neptune then. So they will have further to sink in the mire before they emerge.
    The Shanghai Stock Index has fallen dramatically, 30 per cent since May. That’s hardly surprising with the panicky-failure tr Neptune square its Mars. That influence disappears finally in January 2012. But thereafter tr Pluto starts to conjunct Mercury, Venus, Uranus after mid Jan 2012 on and off till late 2013 – which will be a massively challenging, pressured and unhappy time. With more to follow in 2014/15.


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