

Volatility will be insane today and I plan on keeping my positions smaller then usual. It’s going to be difficult to make reasonably timed calls today, simply because things are moving so fast. I’m going to be trading but most likely not posting my trades, simply because chances are large that my positions will change in an instant. In fact, I might go back to bed.

Jesus, NFLX just rallied from the depths of the abyss.

UPDATE: Shorted AMZN and CMG. I will may not be posting all my trades today, but this is my most recent.

UPDATE#2:Swapped my CMF short for a NFLX short.

UPDATE#3: I covered NFLX, dont like the volatility. I do think it moves lower, but I won’t participate.

UPDATE#4: In an effort not to over trade I will be sitting this out now, I covered AMZN at a nice profit. However, I did took a loss on CMG. Covered NFLX at about even. All in all, I’m about even and fucking pissed.(ONCE AGAIN)

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