A Letter From The US Government


Following The Treasury making the decision to omit information of losses relating to TARP, I received the following letter.

Dear worshipful plebe, “We regret to inform you, the American tax payer, that information provided how we screwed you over shall be withheld for reasons of “national security” If you don’t like one of the jerk-faces who rip you off, you certainly may elect another jerk-face who will do the same. Meanwhile, we will show disdain for dictators who have been around for 10 years, while many of our “outstanding” senators remain in office 20 years later. Please understand that although we have made freedom of speech simply a way that the press can defend the elites and become another branch of government (rather than to allow them to keep the government in check) and we are in the process of passing a law after Arab Spring, introduced by Joe Liberman (liber ironically from the word liberty meaning free) to give us the ability to shut down the entire internet to prevent uprisings rather than just shut down one infected server in the name of a “terrorism” and “national security”… Although this nation once fought to be independent from the oligarchical taxes without representation, and that up until 1940 less than 5% of the population paid taxes, that we must take this money from you in order to “protect you” by doing things you just wouldn’t want to do like go take down the competition and keep the American economy strong for as long as possible. Afterall, you elected us, effectively admitting that you need someone to help you manage the economy. Please observe that Kennedy and Lincoln had to die, for they had proposed a change in the monetary establishment, and of course, Sodom(Husein) and Gomorrah (Qadaffi) also tried to trade oil in Euros and come up with a oil based currency. Both of these represent how we “deal with ‘enemies’ foreign and domestic”. Let’s not forget that in an interview with Osama bin Laden, published in the Pakistani newspaper Ummat Karachi on September 28, 2001, he stated: “I have already said that I am not involved in the September 11 attacks in the United States. As a Muslim, I try my best to avoid telling a lie. I had no knowledge of these attacks, nor do I consider the killing of innocent women, children and other humans as an appreciable act.” But it’s okay, because you continue to believe the propaganda of the mainstream media, that muslims are extreme kamikaze pilots without a plane, and we continue to feed the propaganda on both sides until the illusion becomes real.

As a forced slave , ahem.. loyal servant… ahem… “ardent tax payer”, we appreciate your contribution to enable mass killings and genocides “protection and defense of liberty” so that way we can absolve our guilty conscious by saying, “you voted us in to give us this power, therefore it’s your fault if we do anything bad”. We appreciate your continual support and buying into the propaganda, and allowing us to have permission to indefinitely imprison anyone labeled “terrorist” without a fair trial to prove it, just as Germany did before Hitler suspended their constitutional republic and took power, and we look forward to you bending over and continuing to take it “like a man” or in some cases a woman. Additionally, we continue to remind you that since we are running such a ponzi scheme with regards to bonds, and buying up everything on credit with no real intention to pay it back… just as we received our international reserve currency status by promising to honor a de facto gold standard before we borrowed a ton of money, manipulated the price of gold to keep it around $35 to give the illusion that spending was under control, and then ultimately shut the gold window when people wanted payment in gold…We continue to print out bonds at such low rates, knowing full well that eventually the rates will go up, but keeping them artificially low as long as possible to prevent the raising of the national debt when it has to be rolled.

Do not fear, for when that happens, some of you will be dead, much time will have passed, and many will be born to replace those who pass bravely defending our liberties during the coming global war necessary means of defending ourselves, and our liberties. We hold these truths to be self evident, that we are superior to you… (reason for omission we quoted the occult constitution that only branches of government know that you are not privy to)… that all men are created equal. We continue to enjoy lying, receiving bribes and payoffs in the form of campaign contributions, and not honoring our campaign promises, or at least hiding what we really meant by our double meanings and such. The war on terrorism is working, as clear evidence that there hasn’t been another attack. While less people died in a terrorism attack in the history of the world than died in Detroit and Washington DC the last several years, we hold this as further evidence that it’s working, but let’s keep in mind that a few guys on a camel are certainly a reason to suspend more liberties “increase security” more than we did during all of the Korean War, Vietnam, Both World Wars, etc, etc. We appreciate you continuing to vote your life away, and look forward to playing Nero’s fiddle like the violinists on the Titanic, and offering you exiting alternative “parties” such as choosing between remaining on the Titanic, or jumping on the Lusitania. Signed The US Government*

Various Propaganda documents were included… Also included in this letter was an Invitation. You are Cordially invited to partake in the primaries and general election! Share our bad karma by enabling someone with fancy words that doesn’t have any degree of honesty (save from the time spent appearing honest or actually being honest for a limited time, especially in public, to develop the well crafted image) or the alternative, an equally dishonest crook, so you can have a great choice of a Mormon or a Muslim Christian* Please keep in mind the previous dishonest men in the whitehouse, particularly the current one as evidence as to why you most vote out the “evils” of the last guy. We will piss on the Grave of George Carlin who dared to joke in a way that exposed our evil doings “good deeds(for us), that were correctly incorrectly put in a “negative light”. We fully appreciate your involvement in politics* and hope to see your vote. Definitions: *Muslim – Muse from Proto-Indo-European root *men- “think” and slim meaning “I need to lose some weight to look good in front of the camera and gain your vote.” *Christian in this case does not refer to believer in the Christ named Yeshua (which somehow we decided to translate into Jesus because we don’t want you using an Aramaic name, that would just be “anti american”.) But it simply means believers that they the supreme overlord of this nation have been christianed or anointed as superior to the rest of it’s slaves tax payers. *Politics – from the root word Poly meaning Many and tics, the little creepy crawly blood sucking bugs that get under your skin and would eat every last ounce of flesh upon you if they could for their own good and no one else’s *Government meaning Mind Control… from the root words “Govern” To rule over and “Mente” of or pertaining to the mind.

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