How to play the SCOTUS Health care Decision


where is your God now?

The end result is many retailers and restaurants will now need to provide insurance benefits – this is costly and make them prime short candidates


Here are charts of several former Momos that either broke already this AM or look vulnerable now



3 Responses to “How to play the SCOTUS Health care Decision”

  1. Twas a good run for CMG shareholders. Could be a bumpy ride for a few q’s that’s for damn sure.

  2. thought for sure that fdo and the dltr’s would brush this off. either way, it’s a nice pullback. after this dust settles,there will be more lining up to add to those coffers in due time.

  3. Yogi and Boo Boo

    $SBUX already provides employees over 20 hours with benefits including health insurance.

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