Joined Oct 27, 2011
93 Blog Posts

Italian Footballers Will Buy Government Bonds Because The ECB Isn’t Doing Their Job.

As Italian yields surge, and the ECB reiteriates its stance as a non-lender of last resort to sovereigns, Italian Pro-Footballers have pledged to buy their county’s bonds while international banks unload holdings in a virtually bid-less market. 

The patriotic campaign was motivated by Italian entrepreneur Giuliano Melani, who placed a full-page ad in Corriere della Sera stating “Let’s buy the debt”.

I applaud the Italian’s willingness to buy their own debt, which at current yields looks fairly attractive if doomsday is not upon us. Encouraging domestic ownership of a country’s sovereign debt is good idea, perhaps it is the only reason Japan has been able to maintain low yields despite their ridiculous debt/GDP ratio (>200%). 

Link: Italy’s Footballers Aim to Takle Country’s Debt By Buying Bonds. 

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