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Saturday Night at Chess Cinemas

The “James Bond” franchise of films has been officially ongoing since 1962, when Sean Connery starred as Bond in Dr. No. Since then, the series has seen an expected ebb and flow in terms of the varying quality of films produced. I thought Pierce Brosnan did an excellent job in GoldenEye (1995), but after that he starred in three subpar Bond films through 2002.

In 2006, the lighter-haired (than usual for a Bond) Daniel Craig emerged as the latest Bond actor in Casino Royale. The entire Bond film series is based on the Ian Fleming novels, and Casino Royale was actually the first Bond novel Fleming wrote in 1952. Thus, even though the film came out in 2006, four decades after the first one, it stars a young Bond discovering the nefarious nature of his surrounding cast.

Casino Royale is an exceptional film and easily one of the best in the entire Bond series. The filmmakers did a terrific job of updating the script to modern times, without losing that trademark Bond style. If you have yet to see it, it is required viewing.

Official James Bond films

  1. Dr. No (1962-Sean Connery)
  2. From Russia With Love (1963-Sean Connery)
  3. Goldfinger (1964-Sean Connery)
  4. Thunderball (1965-Sean Connery)
  5. You Only Live Twice (1967-Sean Connery)
  6. On Her Majesty’s Secret Service (1969-George Lazenby)
  7. Diamonds Are Forever (1971-Sean Connery)
  8. Live and Let Die (1973-Roger Moore)
  9. The Man with the Golden Gun (1974-Roger Moore)
  10. The Spy Who Loved Me (1977-Roger Moore)
  11. Moonraker (1979-Roger Moore)
  12. For Your Eyes Only (1981-Roger Moore)
  13. Octopussy (1983-Roger Moore)
  14. A View to a Kill (1985-Roger Moore)
  15. The Living Daylights (1987-Timothy Dalton)
  16. Licence to Kill (1989-Timothy Dalton)
  17. GoldenEye (1995-Pierce Brosnan)
  18. Tomorrow Never Dies (1997-Pierce Brosnan)
  19. The World is Not Enough (1999-Pierce Brosnan)
  20. Die Another Day (2002-Pierce Brosnan)
  21. Casino Royale (2006-Daniel Craig)
  22. Quantum of Solace (2008-Daniel Craig)
  23. Skyfall (November 2012-Daniel Craig)



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