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Yearly Archives: 2011

Holiday Party Mode


This time of year features holiday parties on a nightly basis, whether it be family-related or through work. Traditionally, there is the “Santa Claus Rally” in the stock market, where even the most vicious of bears back off their shorts, in favor of sipping an eggnog Venti latte while standing behind hundreds of tourists from Iowa who fly into New York City to see “the tree” in Rockefeller Center.

This year, there seems to be a certain element of apathy with regard to the market, as plenty of traders have become understandably frustrated and demoralized with the grinding price action throughout 2011. Currently, there remain plenty of individual setups with the potential to become quality long swing trades. However, a setup is simply an ornament on my watchlist tree if it does not trigger in a cooperative market. Moreover, there continues to be troubling signs from the “leaders” since 2009, such as AMZN CRM PCLN.

You can see below that Amazon.com is a particularly troubling chart, seeing that it actually broke down from the bear flag that I had been highlighting over the past few weeks. Since 2009, the play had been to fade the breakdown, as they were usually traps to lure in overeager bears. Even if Amazon does not lose the key $180 level here, it is still far from a high probability long setup. Member “kelynntan” inside 12631 crushed this trade on the short side by owning puts. We are still short CRM, as well.

Hence, with the long/short strategy continuing to work, I am still neutral on the market with a slight bullish bias. If and when the S&P 500 rectifies the declining 200 day moving average with the rising 50 day moving average, I will change that posture.


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The Return of America (or at Least the Dollar)


Stocks gapped higher this morning, but have been fading as the session has developed thus far. The Nasdaq is in the red, and virtually all of the gains in the S&P 500 have been erased. Underneath the surface, stocks are mixed, although I am seeing plenty of red on my watchlist. From an intermediate-term perspective, we are still basing along in a neutral manner on the major indices, after the Thanksgiving sell-off and subsequent V-shaped bounce.

The issue today appears to be the pressure that the weak Euro and strong Dollar are placing on equities, as well as gold and other perceived sources of liquidity and risk. As you can see below, the Euro/Dollar cross is breaking down to levels not seen since last January. Moreover, the UUP, ETF for the Dollar, is threatening a major breakout.

At the end of the day, I am stock trader who is focused on the price action in stocks. However, when correlations appear to matter this much, I am going to pay attention.



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Quick Clarification About #12631 Pricing

Just to clarify our coming price increase inside the 12631 Trading Service in 2012, so long as you sign up for either a monthly, semi-annual, or annual membership before New Year’s, you will be “grandfathered in” to our current low prices indefinitely and you will not be subjected to a price increase in January.

Click on the 12631 hyperlink for more details about signing up for as little as $25 per month (you must be a member of The PPT first).


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